Studying Hebrews + Instagram

As many of you know, I absolutely LOVE Instagram. And from it, I've met so many amazing friends.

I've been told my feed is actually a "microblog"...have you heard that term before? Apparently it means that you post more than photos, but it's full of content, too.

And if I wasn't a microblog before, as of this month I most certainly would be this month because Kristin Schmucker asked myself and three other ladies to join her in leading a Bible Study via Instagram.

I of course said yes, because I adore Kristin and get giddy about pouring through scripture like this, so every day this month, we have all been sharing from the prompted scripture of the day.

Here's an example...

Good morning! I'm just loving going through Hebrews with you all this month!

Please read Hebrews 4:14-16 and come back to discuss it!

The last verse of chapter four talks about approaching the throne of God. Here's, let me just share it with you real quick...

"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Approach the throne with confidence. Huh. Do I do this every time? Do you?

I think often we feel weary or exposed when we pray. Sometimes it's sort of "He hasn't answered yet, I don't even know why I'm still praying."

According to this verse, we are all wrong in coming to Christ in this way. We need rather to come in expectation. The Voice version uses the word "boldly".

There have been times (especially in trying to get our kids home from Ethiopia) where I have come to God boldly and with very specific prayers. And you know what? He honored them. I went on with quiet expectation and He not only listened, but He answered.

There have been other times when I felt like my prayers were falling on deaf ears. But realigning my attitude in how I was approaching His throne, ended up changing my heart and finally heard my answer.

Let us remember the last portion of the verse though, "so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Even if His answer is "wait", He will still give mercy and grace. And ohhhhh how we need that 💛

So if you're not following me on Instagram yet, I hope you do! Theres's so much more conversation happening over there...from parenting screw ups to pretty projects...and right now, a whole bunch of delving into Hebrews.

You definitely don't have to have our study guide + journal, but if you're interested in buying it, head over to my sweet friend Kristin's shop. She has so many gorgeous and richly deep items over there to help in your walk with Jesus. xo

Take Joy,
