Coffee Chat with Teresa - Volume 1

Good morning and happy Friday! I'm glad this day has come, because Ben has been out of town all week. And I'm ready for a full family-unit again. Hate when he's gone!

Did you see my post yesterday introducing the Coffee Chat idea? If not, click here for the heart behind it.

My friend Jon Putnam shared the most amazing post on his blog this week about March and how it gives us orders in the word itself:

Have you ever noticed that the name of our year’s third month is also a command? And, it comes at a pivotal point of our year. The freshness and anticipation of the New Year has passed, our old habits continue to challenge our resolutions and, if we’re not careful, the love we celebrated in February can be overshadowed by the busyness of life and quickly wilt like week-old roses. 

At a time like this, we could use some clear instruction.

A friend of mine in the military shared the following wisdom related to instructing his troops. He stated, “I don’t give orders that can be understood, I give orders that cannot be misunderstood.” 

Click here to read the rest of the post.

A month with a message. A pivotal point in your year. A bold scripture. Five commands. Eternal impact.

I pray this third month of the year is an annual reminder of God's authority in your life, the clarity of His commands, and the promise of His love.


(meet John here)

Many of us know of Jess Connolly and Naptime Diaries but did you know her sister is making a big impact, too?

Katie Walters has founded Francis + Benedict to empower and equip skilled Togolese seamstresses by providing them with dignified and sustainable employment.

Their handmade clothing marries American style with West African wax print textiles in order to create fashion-forward apparel for the modern woman. 

With the aim to make a lasting global impact by using love for people and fashion to change communities ... they're doing one outfit at a time.

Made for others. Enjoyed by us. For the good of many.

Here's a video to learn more!

By the way, follow them on Instagram! When they reach 5,000 followers, they're giving away a HOUSE to to one of their seamstresses, named Rachel! Amazing.

Speaking of fashion, now that Spring is showing herself, I'm completely obsessed with this pink lipstick and lipliner.

I use them together, but if it's a tad too bright for you, just use a liner with a touch more neutral hue, and it'll tone it down a bit.

If you had a crazy morning (Like mine yesterday. And today.) and you don't have more than 60 seconds to get ready, just swipe on some mascara and this lipstick and you'll be good to go.

I just love it.

Have you ever heard of the show, Grand Hotel? If you're a fan of shows like Downton Abbey, you'd love it.

I watched all three seasons a few months ago when I was crazy sick and in bed and it's amazing. I mean, AMAZING. It's a historical drama set in Spain (and is therefore in Spanish with English subtitles, but don't let that deter you).

You can find all three seasons on Netflix, and Season One on Hulu.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this when a really good show or book concludes, but I totally mourned for days. haha.

I'm going to start our Virtual Book Club up again next month (April) and have a bunch that I've read lately and have learned so much from.

Are there any you have read or are wanting to read and think would make a good fit for us?

Let me know! Please share them in the comments!

(click on image to head to the coordinating blog post)

Your turn to chat!

What shows are you adoring or lipsticks are you wearing? What Fair Trade brands or nonprofits are stirring your heart?

How are you feeling about March? What do you think of Christ using this month as Marching Orders?

Take Joy,
