Letter from Aberhem

We got a letter from Ethiopia today!

{if you're confused by the spelling of his name, so are we! every time we get something, his name is spelled differently}

Aberhem letter 1

{translated by the director of his orphanage}

"Hello! Hi how are you my brother Temesgen {Ezekiel}? I am very fine. I miss you for a long time. I wish to come to America to live with you and play with you. I have message for Dad and Mom. The following:

I am excited that you made opportunity to come to America. You did that I have special school, you prepare for me, also when I goes to America I have translation {Amharic}. So I am very happy for that all thing you did.

I want to say thank you! I love you very very much! I miss you! And I want to see you soon bye!"

Aberhem letter 3

Oh my sweet boy...we CANNOT wait to get you home!!

signature 1