adding sparkle to joy



Some of you may remember the "JOY" we had above our mantle in our old house.


{tutorial here}

I liked it, but was ready for something new over the fireplace when we moved. Thus, the JOY and the chevron behind it are now in separate areas of the house.


{took this on instagram last summer after moving in}


I decided to put the precious letters above the bed in our Master Bedroom and painted the sides silver so they'd kind of 'pop' away from the walls a little and add some more dimension.

The problem was...I felt like it looked like I'd wrapped duct tape around them.

Bleh. Not the look I was going for.


But sweet Ben put them up for me anyway, figuring I'd live with them for awhile and see what I thought. As I've mentioned before, I've been a bit uninspired as to what to do with our room.

When you have your ENTIRE house to completely remodel, there are some rooms that sometimes leave you blank for awhile.


It is a well known fact in our house that if Ben is out of town, I stay up WAY too late working on projects. While I was working on something else the other night, I decided what to do with our JOY.

It needed a little sparkle.


I had Modge Podge on hand, but I'm sure any white glue would work fine.

I reeeally highly recommend Martha Stewart's glitter in White Gold over any other silver colored glitter because it has that vintage like color that you see in Pottery Barn, Anthropologie, and other high end home boutiques.


Aside from having to run out and get more glitter, the project was ridiculously fast.


Simply dip your brush or sponge in the modge podge {or glue}, sprinkle on glitter, tap excess off, and done.


I sadly, am not the cleanest during projects. We literally have sparkle all over {ummm pretty much} the entire house.

How? I'm not quite sure. Perhaps I shouldn't have done it while all the kids were home...oops.


I decided only to do the sides, leaving the natural cardboard color prominent. As you get close, you can see the touch of sparkle...but it's not overwhelmingly girly.

Something to think about since I share my room with a guy {aka my husband}.


What do you think? Do you need a little sparkle in your room??

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