I'm taking over GLOW this weekend!


As you may know, I contribute over at GLOW: Live as Light from time to time. They're an amazing Christian lifestyle blog who helps women strive to live as the light of Christ. The blog features authentic stories about Jesus loving women, encouraging each other as we walk through life together, daily pursuing Him.


Today I posted over there with A Home Tour & Breathing in Patience.

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AND...get this...I get to take over their Instagram account for the entire weekend (starting tomorrow morning)!

Follow their feed...it's a great one!

(read below for what Alyssa, the founder of Glow says about the post!)

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Teresa has been a part of the GLOW community from our very beginnings and I’m so happy to say that our friendship has blossomed ever since. While we haven’t actually met in person, we consider her one of our good friends! For those of you who are new, we will quickly get you up to speed. Teresa’s first post on GLOW discussed giving her story to God, and how that changed everything. In her words, her life was “beautifully interrupted” (including going from never wanting children to having 6 – 2 biological and 4 from Ethiopia). Not only does Teresa have a heart for the Lord, but she also has a way with decorating, style, fashion… you name it! Naturally, we were pleased when she submitted her post on The (Im)perfect Hostess. 

Tying in with her previous post, today we are excited to see a more detailed glimpse into Teresa’s life. We all know how difficult moving can be, not to mention decorating on a budget. Teresa discusses a few practical decorating and remodeling tips and tricks, and reminds us that through the unfinished, the Lord can teach us so much about patience, thankfulness and grace. Take a moment and read below. So fun!!!

Oh! One last thing!!! Teresa will be taking over our Instagram account for the weekend. :) Be sure to follow GLOW here to see what life is like in a household with six crazy cute kiddos! While you’re at it, give Teresa a follow here to keep up with her after this weekend. 

take joy-signature-new-pink