a great TIP on how to fill our souls while fueling our bodies


I’m training for a half-marathon. I type that as I laugh to myself. I should actually say I am “training” because I’m totally not. Ben says it’s going to be the longest walk of my life. Sigh, so true.

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 I’ve done two half marathons before. Not long after birthing Anton & Laith, if you can believe that. And I did train! But somehow I can think of a million more exciting things to do than get out for long runs lately.

 When I am out there, I get crazy-bored. I have iTunes playlists and favorite Pandora stations…but my mind just isn’t entertained enough for the longevity of it all.


Want to know what I’ve found that really works?!

Want to know something that keeps my mind engaged while my feet hit the pavement (or actually for me, it’s hit the path because living in Colorado, I’m totally spoiled to amazing trails close by)?

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Podcasts. Oh friends, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

Filling my soul while fueling my body. 

One of my favorite people to listen to is Tommy Nelson from Denton Bible Church.

He is funny and oh-so-solid.

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But the other day, I listened to Mike Scheer, the missions pastor at the church.

He spoke on Motivation for Endurance and you must MUST listen (or watch) it, as well.

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I was laughing out loud at the beginning (yes, I totally received strange looks from fellow joggers I encountered) and by the end, my heart was bursting out of my chest as I grew in my walk with Christ, excited to continue and persevere through some hard things our family is going through right now.

The vigor of health and activity mixed with soul lifting influence.

That's how I do my runs the best.

Note: if you're using your phone while working out (like I do), simply go to your Podcast app (on iPhones it's on there when you purchase the phone, not sure about others). Go to Search and type in Denton Bible Church (or whomever you want to listen to) and download the podcast!

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What do you do to help keep yourself from being bored while working out?? 

Please. Please tell me, I'd love to know!

...help me get motivated with this half marathon training!

take joy-signature-new-pink