Book Club Discussion on Fri, Jan 30th ALL DAY! {{and}} a quick fresh flower DIY


Have you been reading The Nesting Place for our (Virtual) Book Club this month?

Oh. My. Gosh. Doesn't it have you seeing your home differently?! I've marked mine all up in sharpie, it's so good.


Well, even if you're not finished with it yet, I hope you still swing by this Friday, January 30th as we discuss the book.

I'll begin by posting my thoughts and a few questions.

Simply reply in the Comments field and we'll have a virtual conversation about the book all throughout the day!! 


TOTALLY off topic, but don't you love these Pretty Little Plantings?

I happened on to the the brightly colored Oh Joy! cups on Clearance at Target ($2.00!) and found the flowers at the grocery store on sale, too (3 for $2.00!) So for less than I spend for my latte at Starbucks, I have some happy looking fresh flowers in my kitchen. Don't you love it?!

Want more Pretty Little Planting ideas? Click here for a post from last spring.

Can't wait to chat with you on Friday!

And again, if you haven't finished the book...don't worry. Still swing by and talk about what you have read!


. . (click here for more info on how our (Virtual) Book Club works!) . .