Ep 17: Bye Bye, Burnout - Part 2

 “We have so many options on how to spend our time that we have to be intentional in rest and living slower. Otherwise, we'll continue to speed up.”

Hey, sweet friend! Welcome to Part 2 of our miniseries on living without burnout.

If you’re anything like me, you do ALL the things. I am really good at saying yes instead of no, and I lived in a state of burnout for a full decade (maybe more!) Eventually I realized that the “hot mess mom” culture does not have to be our reality. So as we enter into this new year and a new season, living a life with more margin and more rest, I’m excited to share with you the different strategies and mindset shifts that have radically changed the way that I do things. Happy New Year!

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • A recap from Part 1 of this miniseries

  • Determining when something is good AND enough

  • How multitasking is sabotaging your rest

    Links to all the things mentioned: 

This podcast was produced by Pivo