16: Bye Bye, Burnout - Part 1

“What are your non-negotiables? What can you delegate? Because everything comes with a cost.”

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You scramble every day, always running behind and never seeming to do “enough.”

Well mama, I’ve been there. Today we’re kicking off a two-part miniseries on burnout, which is a precursor to a longer series as we enter into the new year. Together we’re figuring out how to disengage from burnout and really step into a life of margin and rest. You and I both know that this fast paced, overwhelmed life is simply not sustainable. To help you work through this, here are the prompts I share at the end of this episode:

  1. Define what “enough” means to you. 

  2. What are your non-negotiables? What can you delegate?

  3. How can you reframe your thinking and use your spare moments to rest?

  4. How can you change your mindset and decide it’s good and it’s enough?

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • The importance of defining what “enough” really is

  • Reframing your mindset to focus on peace instead of worry

  • 5-minute journaling prompts to answer for yourself

Links to all the things mentioned: 

This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co. The music was produced by Anu Alphonse.