how to make the perfect latte...with velvety foam


Being a Seattle girl who no longer lives in Seattle, I'm always on the search for a great coffee place who makes velvety foam like my favorite coffeehouses back home (this and this were my faaaaavorite spots).


A few years ago though, Ben bought me a Nespresso machine when we realized how much I was spending per month on my favorite lattes.

I don't want to go there, don't make me tell you how much it was. But lets just say this machine paid for itself really quickly.

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When I'm out, I order a triple grande soy late + 2 raw case you're wondering.

I know. A triple. I realize that's a lot. Don't be judgey...that's what happens when you have six kids.

Well, seven if you count Ben. (Which I often do.)

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Ben bought me a Nespresso machine and it changed my life. And my wallet.

I no longer drive all over town searching...instead I walk into my kitchen.

This machine is not one of those fancy ones where you put the pod in and can make a caramel macchiato or double chocolate hot chocolate, or something.

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It's an espresso machine, pure and simple. I'm not fancy, so it's perfect for me. Put the pod in, push the button, done.

But lets talk about THE FOAM!!!!!!


I mean seriously, the foam. It's incredible.

It's so simple, the kids also use this part of the machine all the time. They love to make themselves steamed milk or to froth up their hot chocolate.

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Over the years, I've found in order to get the thickest, most velvet-like foam, you must put in the amount of milk shown above:  just about to the top of the black thing in the center (which is connected to the spring that spins around).

Like I mentioned above, I'm a soy milk girl so that may be part of why it thickens up the way it does, I don't know. But try it with whatever milk you use. I'm sure it'll be incredible, too.

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This is what gets me out of bed in the morning to start my Quiet Time.

I think maybe you need one, too.

( should totally be a rule to celebrate good foam with hot pink sprinkles, don't ya think?!)take joy-signature-new-pink