washi tape, my business cards... & a bunch of diy fun!

So... a few months ago my instagram friend Jen Allyson {from theprojectgirl.com} posted a photo of her new business cards from Cotton Paperie.

They're kind of amazing.

I can't get over the gold foil name, and I thought I needed them.

BUT after sharing with them my vision and receiving a quote, I 'bout fainted as I saw it would be over $1 per card. Um....no.

business cards 7

So I searched and searched online for somewhere that would make my gold foil dreams come to life. While on a budget.

And then I had an idea...

washi tape

I remembered a post by Destiny over at A Place for Us and I totally copied {kind of}.

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I'd found the perfect gold sparkle tape in the {get this} dollar section at Target and I knew it'd be my budget-conscious solution and still be gorgeous.

I still loved the idea of doing a card that was a little different...more memorable perhaps...and loved the design of one I had found on Tiny Prints. Perfect!

business cards 1


business cards 2


business cards 3


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One evening while Ben was out with some buddies, I cozied in by myself with a movie and glass of wine...and started playing around, seeing what worked well.

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I ended up making two different styles {so far} and cut the washi tape in half because I wanted a thinner border at the bottom.

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Since the cards flapped open, I decided to add a contrasting tape to keep it closed {and add just a little more detail}.

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I love how they turned out! Now they're in my bag, just itching to be handed out.

What do you think?!

diy ideas

While I was searching around on Pinterest, I also found these fun business card ideas!

business cards 1

{via design sponge}

business cards 2

{dye dipped cards via oh happy day}

business cards 3 business cards 4

{via duitang}

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{via cruzine}

business cards 6

{via shiny happy sprinkles}


which one is your favorite??

take joy-signature-new-pink