Crockpot Taco Soup/Chili {recipe}


I'm not the best cook in the world {by any means} but I do love to do it with the kids! I try and rope 'em into helping me and they absolutely love it! Maybe one of these days, I can just let them take care of dinner.

This Taco Soup {Chili} is one of our favorite recipes and now that it's finally getting cold, it's the perfect healthy & hardy dinner!

{usually it's anton that requests to help me but this was ezekiel's turn}
{notice ezekiel's apron? he went upstairs to grab a long sleeve shirt to tie around his waist. awesome.}
{kidney beans, crushed tomatoes, & corn} 
{can you see the notch in the spoon? He was using it so hard that he chipped it & we had to fish the piece of wood out of the meat. good thing we were just cooking for us!}
{ezekiel l.o.v.e.s this so much he had asked for it every night for about 2 weeks. crazy excited to eat what he had made}
{i usually have this in the slow cooker for several hours. it was a busy day & i didn't get it started early enough so only cooked about 1.5 hours. was still fantastic, but waiting longer infuses the flavor more}

{Recipe}  Taco Soup/Chili

1 lb Ground Meat {i actually used 2} - cook before placing in crockpot
1 onion - chopped
1 can pinto or kidney beans
1 can corn
2 cans crushed tomatoes {Rotel brand is great}
1 pkg ranch dressing mix
1 pkg taco seasoning
Simmer for several hours. Top with grated cheese & Tostitos {we just serve with tortilla chips}.

Tip: Depending on how thick you want it, you can drain {or not} all the canned items. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. In this case, I did drain it because we were in the mood for a thicker, chili like dinner.

{ready to eat! ezekiel set the table--without being asked. next job is teaching him where all the utensils, etc go}