Ice Hockey - Anton & Laith

Soccer season is over {although supposedly they're going to make up a game when the snow melts} and we decided to put Anton & Laith into Ice Hockey this winter! Ezekiel had no desire to do it, so since he lives, eats, breathes, soccer...we'll probably get him into some indoor clinics.

Anyway both Anton & Laith were excited, especially since they both had slipped & slid in their boots on the ice walking Ezekiel to school. Ummm...side note, my car REALLY slipped around on the ice one morning last week. Ezekiel must have seen the look on my face because he kept repeating over and over "It's ok Mommy, Jesus is with us. It's ok Mommy, Jesus is with us..." Sweet boy.

Laith's class was first and a parent was allowed on the ice with them.
Learn to skate 1st...then learn how to play hockey
After awhile, he was completely defeated from falling so much & needed a hug as he cried.

Anton was next, in his "big kid class" without parents. He did remarkably well for never being on skates before! But he's super coordinated, so I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised.

He really liked it, but as he stepped off the ice and Ben and I asked him what he thought, he scratched his head and told us "I fell down a lot. I don't understand why." Haha
A certain little boy was NOT so excited to be there. We have just entered a new phase with Ezekiel...the "I know now that I'm safe with you, so I'm more comfortable disobeying, being grumpy, and completely shutting down if I don't get my way" Stage. It's a fun one, let me tell you.
Ah well, can't win them all. Poor Imani didn't get any pics taken that morning apparently.
Too bad, she looked super cute {though when does she not?}!!