simple (make ahead) Eggs Benedict


Today I thought I'd share one of my favorite recipes EVER.


It's ideal for brunch celebrations and after church lunches.

And absolutely perfect for all those times you wish you could prepare breakfast the night before because you really. really. don't want to wake any earlier the next day.


I know I should have photos of the process. Sorry, I don't. But it's super easy. I promise.

TIP #1:

I typically use either the Canadian Bacon from Costco that's already cut round & approximately the same size as the english muffin. But when I can't find that, I'll simply roughly cut up a big ham steak. When I do it this way, the meat isn't round...but honestly, who cares. Totally not a big deal.


TIP #2:

This recipe uses hardboiled eggs. Rather than boiling your own and having to remove the shell (which personally I hate doing), purchase them already done!

Like the ham, I generally get our pre-boiled (and shell-less) eggs at Costco. But our neighborhood grocery store also carries them.


My stomach is totally growling, looking at these photos from our brunch the other day!

Shoot. Wish we still had some in the fridge.

tip #3:

I always double the recipe because well, we have a big family. But also because they make awesome leftovers!



8 slices of Canadian Bacon
8 Hard Boiled Eggs
1/4 c Margarine
1/4 c All Purpose Flour
2 c Half & Half
1 tsp House Seasoning (recipe to follow)
1/4 tsp Dry Mustard
1 c freshly grated Gruyere
1/2 c freshly grated Parmesan

House Seasoning:
1 c Salt
1/4 c Black Pepper
1/4 c Garlic Powder
Mix ingredients together & put in air-tight container


. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
. Place Canadian bacon in baking dish, covering bottom.
. Gently remove the shell from the hard-boiled eggs and cut in half.
. Place eggs side-down in (a greased) pan, two halves per slice of Canadian Bacon.
. In a saucepan, melt the margarine, add the flour, and cook...stirring for 2-3 minutes.
. Add the half & half gradually, and stir until mixture thickens, seasoning with House Seasoning.
. Add the dry mustard and gryere, stirring until melted.
. Pour the sauce over eggs and sprinkle top with parmesan.
. Bake for approximately 20-30 minutes until bubbling and top is golden brown.
