salad in a jar


I had so many questions and comments from this photo I posted on Facebook & Instagram recently... so I decided I should post about it.


For a few months, Ben has been asking me to make him a "salad in a jar" to take to work. Something about a lady he works with makes them for lunch everyday & he'd love to eat out less so could I make some?

I toooootally didn't get the concept of it. Until I finally made it.

IMG_9764 I get it. And it's my new favorite thing.

quick tip:

if you don't already have mason jars, purchase them at your local grocery store in the Canning section. You can get a dozen for just a couple dollars.


So here's the concept...

Put the dressing on the bottom, then chicken, nuts, etc and not only will it marinade but it'll also keep the lettuce {your next layer} from touching the dressing and getting soggy {so brilliant}.

You can make them days ahead & they remain fresh.


These are my favorite dressings of the moment {especially mixed together}.


In this jar {for the bottom layer}, I used my dressing combo above, rotisserie chicken, crumbled bacon, hard boiled eggs, & walnuts.


Then came the lettuce & fresh pear on top since that'd get mushy if left in the dressing.

{strawberries are a definite top of the jar item, too}


This was Ben's lunch yesterday.

{think I may have gone a little overboard with the dressing. oops, sorry love}


I'm a huge berry fan so mine was filled with blackberries, rasberries, strawberries, as well as nuts, chicken, hardboiled eggs, and a few other items.



After dumping the contents of the jar onto my plate, this is what it looked like. I didn't fluff, toss it, or anything.

The perfect salad.


Imani ate all my blackberries, but other than that I ate every bite!


So now our fridge looks like this.

And we'll have lunch at our fingertips whenever we're hungry {and no more trying to sneak a bite of the kids lunch}!

Need some more ideas??


salad in a jar


What would you put in your salad in a jar?


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