Prayer Sticks {tutorial}


My children are super sweet little prayers.

They talk to Jesus about their favorite things such as dirt trucks, super heroes, and their favorite foods.

But they're also really good about thanking Him for our family, specifically naming each person and often referring to each other as "my buddy".

As sweet as their little prayers are, Ben and I really want to foster how important and impactful praying actually is. And really want to encourage them to pray for people around them, not just our immediate family.

So this is how my idea evolved...prayer sticks.

I decided to try having them on the breakfast table. As they sit down, they simply grab a person & pray for them as they eat. It's only been a few days, but so far they're really into it.

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In case you ever wonder what kinds of things I do during lunch when all my children happen to be out of the house...well this is it.

{those enchiladas were fantastic by the way}

I bought these craft sticks {when did they stop being called tongue depressors??} at Target for just a few bucks.

And pulled out my rarely-used stamp stuff. I couldn't possibly let those craft sticks stay blank, right?? Thought about staining them a pretty grayish blue, but this was faster.

I didn't really care that anything was legible, I just wanted the pretty design that the book page stamp left.

Of COURSE as soon as I printed out a few photos, my printer alerted me to the fact that my ink was not only low...but out. Nice. So this is as far as I got.

There are some VERY important family members and close friends & teachers missing, so hopefully I can get the rest of them printed & cut out soon.

{I simply used double stick tape to adhere the pictures to the sticks}

I thought about several things I could use to put the sticks into, but I ended up deciding to make over a can that I fished out of the recycle.

I am in love with these colors together. So happy.

Do you have a button jar? For ages, my leftover and extra buttons were all over the place. I love having them organized they look cute.

I cut out my layers of ribbon and placed them approximately how I wanted them to lay and then grabbed my glue gun.

By just lifting a little section of the ribbon or lace, I could quickly get the glue on and the piece back on top before the glue set.

Do you know how to sew a button? I think it's funny how many of us just take something to the cleaners to have it done. It's so easy. Just straight stitches, back and forth, forming an X.

Don't worry how messy the back looks, it won't show a bit. Remember to tie off the end so it doesn't come loose, though.

Grabbing your glue gun again, begin wrapping your ribbon around the can. Squeeze a bead of glue at the beginning, middle, and end so it doesn't sag or move over time...and finish it off by folding the last little bit under.

How simple and cute! I maybe spent $5 making it, too. Love that.

So far they're a hit!

Anton of course picked his sweet Ethiopian girlfriend to pray for the 1st morning I put it on the table.

He's already asked her dad for her hand in marriage. Her father replied that they should probably concentrate on school first. Anton was ok with that.

But he still prays for her almost every day...and hopefully it will help instill a passion for praying for others and allow them to see the impact they can have, through Christ, on those around them.

How do you encourage your kids to pray? I'd love to hear about it!