33 things {about me}


Happy Birthday, to me! Today I turn 33 so I thought I'd tell you 33 things about myself...

1. I was named after a Bond Girl. The only girl James Bond actually fell in love with and married {but of course was killed leaving the wedding}.

2. When I was in 6th grade, my family moved to Guatemala until my freshman year of High School. We lived literally at the International Airport, in one of the hangers. The bottom floor was the manufacturing plant for our company Glasair, the top floor was our apartment. LOTS and LOTS of crazy {and scary} stories while living there.

3. I have broken my arms 3 times. Once slipping in the snow, once falling down a flight of stairs, & once slipping on wet floor in the restaurant I was managing. I'm crazy klutzy.

4. I have a scar on my ankle from standing atop a sunken ship while snorkeling in Belize as a child...my foot fell through the roof and got stuck.

5. I took a year off from college and decided to move to England and attend Bible School at Capernwray.

6. I never wanted kids...they didn't like me...I didn't like them {bet God was laughing at that}

7. I majored in Art History, minored in Art & wanted to go on with my studies and eventually become a curator.

8. I have taken piano lessons 2 0r 3 different times in my life...I just can't get it.

9. I have gone from not being able to run a single block to competing in 2 half-marathons.

10. I am completely uncompetitive...except with my husband.

11. I was a cheerleader in high school.

12. I have taken up boxing...and completely and utterly fallen in love with it.

13. It wasn't until college that I realized I was artistic and creative.

14. If I could go anywhere with Ben, it would be Italy...we've both been there several times. Just never together.

15. I absolutely & completely love history.

16. If I could read all day, I would be in heaven. Especially a great historical fiction novel.

17. I have seen angels...and demons. Several times.

18. My favorite thing for Christmas dinner is fondue.

19. I am a night person.

20. I force myself to wake at 5am to read my Bible every morning and get some "me time" before the kids get up.

21. I am legally blind {20/200}.

22. I could eat cereal for every meal of the day.

23. My favorite coffee drink is a triple grande soy latte with extra foam.

24. As a child I did equestrian jumping. My favorite activity ever.

25. I really struggle with fear.

26. I was one of the very last of all my friends to get married. At age 26.

27. I once hitch-hiked in England {mom & dad...did you know that?}

28. I'm a really good shot

29. I am 5'4" but every one thinks I'm much taller because I'm always wearing heels.

30. Even 9 months pregnant, I'd still be wearing stilettos {if I felt like crap, I may as well try and look kinda cute}

31. I had the worst pregnancies ever...threw up every 30 minutes. Was on chemo meds to help me keep food down {didn't work much}. Ben would find me passed out in the kitchen just trying to get a glass of water. It was awful.

32. Only dated Ben for 4 months & engaged 4 months...though we'd been friends for a few years

33. I absolutely and totally love thunderstorms and open the doors & windows so I can hear it better. The kids think I'm weird.

As my birthday gift this year, Ben surprised me with tickets to visit my best friend Kiesha who just moved back to the States from being in Japan the past few years. We had SUCH fun this past weekend antiquing and getting her settled in her new {gorgeous} home. Love you guys! And thanks again Benny...what a perfect gift. xo