meeting abreham


meeting aberhem 1

{note} during the adoption process, we'd been given MANY spellings to Abreham's name. At the time, above is how it was on all the paperwork. So though it's now officially 'Abreham'...I kept the above title. And no, I didn't misspell my son's name ; )


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This was THE most exciting morning! Aberhem was waiting for us just inside the gate to the orphanage, only a few hours after landing in Ethiopia.


 It was awkward for a moment as he held out his hand for me to shake it. "Shake your hand???" I laughed. "Child, you're my son!" I said quietly as I hugged him close.


I knew he didn't understand my words, but there's no doubt he could sense our excitement and love for him.


After a round of nervous hugs and an instant friendship formed between he and Anton, Abrehem took us upstairs to meet baby Elsabet.


I've mentioned before how much Abreham loves art. He proudly showed us {tons} of his drawings, many of them had to do with America and our family.


After arriving at the Guest House {where we stayed} with he and Elsabet, we unzipped the suitcases to give him the clothes, workbooks, and Bible we had brought him.


To say he was thrilled when he saw the Bible was in Amharic AND English would be an understatement. He hugged & hugged it.


Every morning, Ben & I woke before everyone else to read and spend some quiet time together. We left our bed unmade, tiptoeing out of the room trying not to wake all the kids.

Sweet Abreham made our bed every single morning {and really well, too!} after he made his own, and then knelt next to his bed to read his new Bible and bow his head in prayer. I walked in the room several mornings to see this. He just looked up at me, flashed his big smile & closed his eyes to finish his time with God.


We had been told of his story, but as anyone who has adopted older kids knows...there is always more to that story.  There's a history that has shaped the story of this child's life.  Ezekiel has been home for two years and we still learn new nuggets of information regularly.  Imagine what it will be like with a 13 year old.

He apparently bounced around from house to house among relatives, trying to find somewhere else to rest his head.  Each time it seems something would change in that family members life that caused him to need to move on.

Many of his living situations were bad.  He holds scars on his heart to prove it.


How does a child, who's family was anything but loving toward him have such an incredible Faith in God? Where did he get this strong love for the Lord?


Perhaps the concept of a Loving Father was what got him through...? Perhaps it's what inspired him and gave him the strength to carry on, placing himself up for adoption, knowing there was a better way.


That there was a family out there that would love, support, and adore him as the amazing boy he is.


Not to say that it's all going to be easy.

He's a 13 year old child who has essentially lived on his own for who knows how long. He's VERY set in his ways and has strong opinions about things.


For example, in their culture a Christian should only listen to Christian music. Every time we would hear anything that wasn't, he would plug or fold over his ears so he'd not hear it.

And you can only dance in church.


Hmm...that'll make for some really interesting dance parties at our house.

{which we have allll the time}


But he's amazing and caring. He's sweet and fantastic with Elsabet and Anton.


Did I tell you that Elsabet's nanny had to move her to a crib that was near the door to her room? Apparently Abreham was in there so often to check on and hold her, that he'd accidently wake the other babies.


Amazing when they're not biological siblings. I'm not sure how many 13 year old boys would be that caring with a new sister they hardly know.


pray for

Other than coveting prayers about ease of settling in, learning English quickly, and helping him become comfortable in school {which starts in a few short weeks}, making some great friends list is getting long...

We'd also love prayers about his back. We noticed several months ago that many of his photos showed one shoulder higher than the other so we requested he go in for x-rays. Turns out that sweet Abrehem has a touch of scoliosis. We've spoken to some specialists who believe with therapy he will be fine. But explaining that to a child who doesn't speak any english may be difficult.

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So...we now have a teenager. How funny is that?? He was born the year after I graduated High School.

Oh God, you sure do have a sense of humor.


Abrehem we love you and CANNOT wait for you to come home to the family that has been waiting for you for way too long.

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