introducing baby elsabet


introducing elsabet

We have now been home a week and I have yet to share with you not only photos, but our new baby girl's name.

I can only begin to tell you what an INCREDIBLE trip it was and how grieving & heartbroken I am to have left my children in Ethiopia until we get the green light from the US Embassy and can bring them home.

Friends...she is breathtaking.

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{meeting for the 1st time}

meet our baby girl

elsabet - full


Ben really wanted to keep her name a secret until we met her, so though we've referred to her in our home as Baby Elsabet, we haven't publicly announced it. 'Till now.


{anton meeting her for the 1st time}

Elsabet: I've searched & searched for the meaning of her name. From what I hear, it's of Hebrew origin but not an uncommon name in Ethiopia. I always thought we'd have a Swedish looking Elsa running around our house, so it's fun that we have the African variation of it!


Hannah: When we were brainstorming & going through baby name books, Ezekiel asked if we could name her after his sweet older sister, who still lives in Asosa...which is right on the boarder of Ethiopia & Sudan.


From the stories Ezekiel has told us, it's a very dangerous area. He misses her very much. Pray for sweet Hannah, if you think of it. Last we heard, she was a maid for a family. But that was 2 years ago.


It's an honor & privilege to incorporate her name in with Ezekiel's newest little sister. He prays for them both daily.


Milki: No one seems to know where this name came from, or who gave it to our beautiful daughter, but this is her given name...and we felt it important to keep it.


She was born at a hospital in the Capitol {Addis Ababa}, which is extremely uncommon. Sadly, her mama left her there when she was discharged to go home. I wish so desperately we had more information on her mother.


I'm sorry Elsabet that I don't know more, my love. When you're older and reading this, know that your mama loved and cared about you so much to have left you in such a safe place. She knew by leaving you at the hospital, you'd be cared for, well-fed, and a loving family would be found for you.


God brought you specifically into our family. He has a purpose for that. I ache for you, not having you cuddled into me like I did for every moment of the 2 weeks we were with you.


You are every bit mine, as you would be if you came from my womb. I love you and would give my life 10x over for you. You captured my whole heart the moment my eyes met yours and your tiny little hands searched my face.


My heart physically aches not having you with me. I count the seconds until I get to bring you home.


{my amazing friend Kognit was in Ethiopia the same time we were. It's so fun knowing she'll be a familiar face when they get home}


{hamming it up for her passport photo}


{baby girl, your brothers absolutely ADORE think, you have 2 more brothers & a doting sister waiting to meet you!}



{there is no doubt...she will be well-loved}


Elsabet, my love. Come home soon. We miss you!

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{don't'll meet Aberhem next!}

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