How my studying the Bible became (gasp!) fun again!


I've been in a bit of a rut.

I've hitched my train to the amazing wisdom of so many Bible teachers and have spent the last decade engulfed in Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Kelly Minter, Karen Kingsbury, Max Lucado, She Reads Truth, and so many others.

Lately though, I've wanted more.

I've wanted to delve in myself and dive into the richness of God's Word without the assistance of someone who wrote a study for me.

And then I met Jane Johnson this fall at Pursuit Community's retreat.


She had a series of talks teaching us how to Study the Scriptures ourselves.

The way she explained her process erased the daunting, overwhelmed feeling of not knowing where to start.

I took to heart all she said and after getting home, began to dive in.

And studying became (gasp!) FUN again!

I was energized by the idea of using cross-references along with Blue Letter Bible's app, scrolling through commentaries and seeing root words in the Greek or Hebrew.


 Shortly after Amazon dropped Search these three books (1, 2, 3) off at my door, the quiet darkness of each morning filled with the scent of Christ as I chased rabbit hole after rabbit hole and used the Bible as a sort of map to explain itself.


And then I heard that Jane had written her own explanation on how she's studied The Word for the past fifteen years.

I immediately messaged her my excitement and had the ebook set in my inbox within a few minutes.


It's not a's HOW to study.

It takes us through the step by step process of how she gleans so much from the Bible.

How it explains itself.


"This 40-page e-guide includes all of my tips and tricks to cultivate a rich quiet time.  It starts with the five biggest obstacles that prevent us from reading our Bibles daily (and the verses you can pray to combat them).  And it continues with the step-by-step of how I got where I am today.

"I describe what triggered the curiosity that turned into a deep hunger that remains today, over a decade later.  I break down the different ways of studying scripture.  And I describe the study-Scripture system I still use every single morning.  At the end of the guide is a list of links for everything I use from my Bible, to my favorite journal, pens, and more.  Together, we will make jumping into the deep end of the study-Scripture-pool as easy as possible!"


"BONUS PRODUCT: In addition to the e-guide, I’ve also written a seven-day study implementing my study-scripture-method.  The mini-study gives you a peek inside my typical quiet times, including how I pick apart a sample section of scripture step-by-step to jump-start your own morning quiet times."


If you're wanting to take your Quiet Time to the next level or have a deep desire to study but are so overwhelmed by the idea on HOW on earth to do it, I really...reeeeaaaaaally encourage you to download these ebooks!

It's breathed new life into my studies in the most exciting way!

(head over to Jane's blog, as well)
