a (new) kind of planner + a GIVEAWAY!

I am over the moon excited to introduce you to my sweet friend Deana and the amazing concept of her new planner.

Don't doze off on me...this isn't your normal calendar, or planner that simply keeps you organized.

It's so much more.

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Grab a cup of coffee (Yes, another one. Mama, I know you need it) and keep reading to hear Deana's story of how Anchored Press came to be and how they're so unique!

Plus...wouldn't you like to WIN one?!

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©AlexisJuneWeddings | Inspired Retreat, 2015 | Evins Mill, TN | Headshots

Hi, I'm Deana, founder and creator of Anchored Press Planner.

Well, truly our sweet Jesus is the official “Creative Director & Writer” of Anchored Press and He should get all of the glory for it.

I wanted to share with you though how He teaches us so much through the various Seasons we're in right at this very moment.

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I want to share it because I am currently witnessing how God has used my different seasons, good, bad & status quo; to fulfill a call He recently placed on my heart.

After a few years of owning an online stationery business that turned into a niche wine tag business, I woke up one day and felt very convicted that I was not using my God-given gifts to bring God glory.

Why would God pluck me out of my 10-year career in pharmaceuticals to keep me at home making wine tags? There had to be more in this plan of His.

So this past January I closed my Etsy shop for one month and spent time being still with God.

James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”…Well, I am here to tell you that there is so much truth in that “truth.”

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The closer I got to God and the more time I spent with Him, the clearer the call became. He put on my heart this intense desire to help get more women into His Word.

I saw the transformation in my own life when I took time out of my day, everyday, to spend time with God and I wanted this for other women.

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At that same time, I started writing. I was never a big writer when it came to my quiet time with God. But, God gave me words, so I picked up a pencil.

By the end of my month “sabbatical” I had written over 100 devotions.

So the next question was, “God, what on earth do you want me to do with these?”

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At that same time, I looked over at my daily planner that was bursting at the seams. Over the years I have turned my planner into a place to keep my schedule, devotional, prayer journal, meal plan, goals and memory keeping.

All that I added into my tool to keep me organized, actually made it appear and feel as if I wasn’t organized at all.

And, that’s when it hit me! I realized that women are in their daily planner everyday, so what better place to put God’s Word?

The Anchored Press Planner was faithfully designed for all of you mothers out there looking for a way to stay organized, while also keeping you anchored in God’s Word.

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God is so good and faithful! I just love how He uses the random-seeming seasons or times or experiences in our lives.

As we look back, they're not random at all...rather than being wasted, they're actually opportunities that God uses in preparation of future plans He has for us!

Below is some awesomeness that makes the Anchored Press Planner so unique...

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What makes it more than just a planner:

. Family Memory Making .

with prompts to put together a lat of the memories you want to make in 2016

. Family Go-To Dinners .

a tool to meal meal planning intentional and fun by creating a list of the dinners your family loves, and that require zero thinking!

. Daily Devotions .

The heart of the entire planner are the daily devotions. They're doable even on the most chaos-filled day when you haven't had the chance to crack open your Bible like you're craving!

. Mid-Week Prayer .

Every Wednesday, you will be prompted to pray a specific prayer over your child. And there's a spot below the prayer to expand it and make the prayer more personal.

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. Saturday Praise .

This is your chance to stop and give praise to God for all He's blessed you with that past week.

. Red Letter Sunday .

Since Sunday is the Sabbath, we're blessed with words straight from Jesus Himself.

. First Four .

What Deana's calling your "to do list with grace." Write down the first four things you need to accomplish and hold yourself accountable to them. Then feel so good about all you accomplished!!

. Prayer Requests .

A place to write down all the prayer requests that surface throughout the month.

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Want a planner for yourself or a friend (remember, Christmas is coming up!!)?

You can purchase them here.

OR...scroll down to find out how you could win one!!



Simply make sure you "like" both the Hugs & Punches AND Anchored Press Planner Instagram Pages (we will be checking).

(@hugsandpunches + @anchoredpress)

Then tag FOUR FRIENDS on each of our pages (each additional tag is an additional entry).

That's it!!

The giveaway ends 11:59pm (pacific) on Thursday, November 19th.

A winner will be chosen on Friday, the 20th so make sure you're watching our feeds that morning!


Winner must be a US resident...so sorry if that's not you!

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