February (Virtual) Book Club CHAT DAY! (with the AUTHOR!)


Have you ever read a book you made yourself put down for a few days...simply because you didn't want it to end?

That was me with this book.

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I wasn't sure what to expect, truthfully all our books previously were ones I'd already read and loved. But this one, I don't know...this one just seemed different. Like I needed to tell you about it now, even before I'd gotten a chance to read it and make sure it was worthy of being on our list.

And ohhhh my gosh, it SO was.

You can download the ebook (FOR FREE!) on Stephanie's blog, but I love a paper book for the simple fact that I adore underlining and writing notes in the margin: Two things which I've massively done in this book.


(meet Stephanie here or chat with her in the comments below!)

I love her verbs! The way she described things in such an succulent way. I love her raw honesty about deep-rooted struggles. I love how so much of her story reminded me of similar experiences and helped me wade through and learn from them once again.

Is that how you felt, too??

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Ok stop. I just have to break for a minute to tell you that I'm chatting via text with Stephanie right now and she's so generously offering us a 25% discount off her site for this weekend! So If you are like me and want a paper book...or any of her cute prints...head on over here and load up your cart!


The Code is BOOKCLUB and lasts until Sunday, March 1st at midnight!

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Now back to the book.

I love Stephanie's vulnerability as she describes drinking and partying and just not feeling like she's completely fitting in. As if there's something more that she's simply missing. Though I grew up in a Christian family and came to Christ at five years old, it still pressed in on me from time to time. I felt I was walking through her life as my eyes poured over her words, and though I've never been in her exact position, I could identify wholly with what she carried in her heart.

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(photo via Stephanie's IG feed)

The way Stephanie described how her soul soaked up Spain and Italy and the many places she traveled with her friends put me back to my college days, pack on my back, searching out hostels and where to find the best cones of frozen gelato.

The art history major in me drank up her experience in the Sistine Chapel, in awe that YES in fact, Christ is there in that dark chantry and after being filled with tourists all these years, it is still a place of worship. A place where God resides, and speaks to those who seek Him.

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(photo via Stephanie's IG feed)

And like so many of us, once we're back home...our peak, our high, our grand and life-changing experience...fades a touch. The technicolor of it turns to grainy 80's television screen hues and we can't quite remember why we felt so altered and inflamed in the first place.

But God is so good, isn't He?

He showed Stephanie, and He shows all of us that indeed, He is walking beside us. That He does have an exciting plan for us, one better than we could plan ourselves. Christ awaits our choice of abandon and surrender, so He may give us the most intense hunger for Him and for the world.

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(photo via Stephanie's IG feed)

It was such a privilege to read Stephanie's journey where she realized that you don't have to wear ugly shoes, or have Little House on the Prairie hair to be a Christian. You don't have to be the nerdy, know-it-all girl in the front of the class (in fact please don't be that judgey girl!).

spoiler alert

"Every misconception I had about God and Christianity had been blown out of the water. God was thrilling and dangerous and safe all at the same time. He was wild.

"He would send you to the corners of the world if you said you were willing and would heal your wounds with soothing tenderness. He was everything good about life wrapped up into one.

"He was French wine and Spanish olives and Italian cappuccinos. He was quiet times in Costa Rica and being baptized in the mountains and best friends and the creakiest bunk beds. He was fireworks and adventure and love that seeped into every corner, spreading farther than the eye can see. And I wanted more of Him." (p 113)

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Amen, sister. That and so much more!

I am SO eager to hear what you thought! How you grew and your mind frame may have changed in reading these pages.

So tell me...what did you think???

join our chat

 click here for more details on how our (virtual) book club works...and here for more on this fantastic book!

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Ok now Stephanie, talk to me/us. What happened NEXT?!

Where has God taken you since that last page that I didn't want to finish reading?!

What exciting journey has He put you on (other than becoming an author, obviously)?

And because I've instastalked you over on your feed, I see you're recently married. Who is this guy, Carl and where'd you meet him?!

take joy-signature-new-pink