A letter to Ben on our 9th Anniversary


I remember one singular thing about our pre-marital counseling. Our friend and pastor told us, “You can tell a woman is loved well, simply by looking into her eyes.”

That’s always stayed with me and as I’ve met with girlfriends new and old, I sometimes look into their eyes and see it. More than anything I hope others see it in me, too. Because I am, I am loved well.

You love me better than I deserve, better than I can wrap my mind around.


You know me so well and discern exactly when I need encouragement, what to say when a calling seems too overwhelming. You tell me I’m more beautiful without makeup…and genuinely seem to believe it.


I love that only rarely do we go to bed at separate times, but rather sleepily walk up the stairs together every night. I love that our feet touch as we read in bed and that you never let me stay mad for more than five minutes.


I love that you apologize when you’re wrong and are quick to forgive when I am. I love how many pictures and curtains you’ve hung through the years, dreading it and yet doing it anyway because you know it’d make me happy.


I love that you’re not easily stressed; yet when you are, I can calm you just by holding your hand. I love to hear your heart as you pray. I love how you play with the kids, and how you explain things so they understand.


I love that if one of us says we’re bringing home another child, the other just smiles and says “Great! Whose room should we reconfigure?”

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I love that God has given me a dream and you’re my biggest fan…my fan, my agent, and my prayer warrior. I love that you think I can do more and be more than I think I can, I love that you never push and always guide.


I love that we’re like high school kids and talk and text about 100 times a day. I love that we’re not at all sick of each other. I love that you’re my best friend, my confidant, my protector.


Nine years, Babe. Nine.

It seems like eternity and yet seems like no time at all. Like we’re still babies at this. Six kids, three cross country moves, seven homes.

How have we done so much, loved so much, grown so much? You truly amaze me each and every day.

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Ohhhhh Lord Jesus, thank you for blessing us so richly. Because really Lord…He. Is. Amazing.

Thank you for saving him for me.


And Love, don't kill me for this last photo...you're just so young and cute!!

Happy nine, My Sweet! I love you...hope you can see that in my eyes. xo

take joy-signature-new-pink