favorite posts of 2014

Happy (almost) new year! I thought I'd do a little round-up of favorite posts from this year but remembered that when I did my big blog-redo a few months ago, somehow I lost every.single.like on every.single.post. Sigh.

Technology. A blessing and a curse.

So rather than doing the most liked...I'm doing MY most liked! And if you love them, please do "like" them as well!

So here we go!

learning to trust (adoption)

adoption | learning to trust (Abreham)

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coffee filter wreath tutorial-diy | a $5 coffee filter wreath

(before we went .com!)

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He walks among us

faith & life | really? THAT'S your reasoning??

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never think your child is too young to make a difference

parenting | (never) think your child is too young to make a difference

stripe - double - pinkGiving God your plans

faith | giving God your plans + (printable) Bible study

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easy spring centerpiece

tutorial-diy | easy spring centerpiece (repurposed box)

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celebrating the little things

parenting | celebrating the little things (part 1: tips + ideas)

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the kids and I

adoption | can you believe God did this?!

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faith & life | a (different) look at being content

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Abreham & Elsabet in Ethiopia

faith | your calling, not theirs:

Part 1 (I'm going to destroy my family??) | Part 2 (trusting God + our callings)

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home | our house: before & afters

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Ezekiel & Elsabet

parenting | you can be mad, sad, or angry. but you may not be rude.

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wreath 2

tutorial-diy | a colorful winter wreath for under $30

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Bible 3

faith | how to be prayerful in the busyness of the day

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Let's party like girls night

party | let's party like girls night | photos + details + sources

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The Archeological Bible

faith | my favorite Bible(s)

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take joy-signature-new-pink