jewelry for purpose


 I've loved jewelry since I was a little. I mean really, what little girl doesn't??

But did you know that when I was in 6th grade, my family moved to Guatemala? We lived there until just before my freshman year of high school.

{and wow do I have stories about those few years}

Living in Guatemala really REALLY opened my eyes to the 3rd world. Things that our cushy lives in the US can't even imagine and most of us don't really even want to think about {though I realize there are many in our beautiful country who are struggling, as well}. Such incredible need and poverty.

Mom & Dad, I am so thankful for the blessing of that personally experience something so great that it has changed the way Erik and I see the world & be forever changed.

{um, nice shorts E}

But what does Jewelry have to do with the 3rd world and with people in great need??

I don't think I've ever talked about my work with Stella & Dot on my blog. I absolutely love being a stylist for this amazing company for so many being they have the same burden as I have upon my heart.

Many organizations are all about charities and raising money for this and that. Stella & Dot however, goes one step further. Not only do we support organizations such as buildOn, Accion, and Girls Inc but we go out and get our hands dirty. Last year, many of our Stylists flew to Nicaragua along with Jessica Herrin {our founder and CEO} to do just physically help on the building project. With the purpose of building one school, we raised enough money to actually build TWO.

More than that though, we also funded 3 after school programs here in the US and were able to help countless women in economic empowerment through small business loans here and abroad.

I'm proud & excited that we assisted in bringing awareness and support to these three incredible organizations who strive to create a positive change in girls and women's lives.

Since 2010, more than $750,000 have been raised in support of the Stella & Dot foundation...Simply by purchasing some jewelry!

You may not be called to go overseas to live. Or to adopt. You may not be physically able to use a little elbow-grease to paint and fix up a school somewhere nearby like the Bronx.

BUT, we're all called to take care of those in need. Don't you agree?

Join me in purchasing a Foundation Bracelet {or 2 or 3!}. Think of birthdays, Christmas gifts, or a gift for yourself & your daughter.

Remember, 100% of the net proceeds go toward these amazing charities. I know you'd love to be part of it, too.

Help us help those around us.

Shop Stella & Dot's Foundation jewelry here.

And the rest of the amazing jewelry {and handbags} here.

I'm passionate about people and helping them become the person God has created them to be. Whether it's as simple as boosting someone's confidence through jewelry {perhaps they need a nudge to feel great because they look great}...or something as hugely impactful as building a school overseas or funding a program that gives girls a safe place to go after school. I'm passionately proud to be part of both.

Afterall, it's not all about us, is it? And I'm so glad it's not.