the easiest (gold!) DIY in the history of ever.


gold letter magnets

Last summer I did a post on the chore board we made for the kids (and how amazing it's been for our daily routine).

Lately though, I've had tons of questions about the gold lettered magnets at the bottom of the board.

So listen up all you ladies who hate the word diy (ok, the acronym) this one's for you...because it truly might be the easiest diy in the history of EVER.


Don't you remember having these all over your fridge as a kid? They always make me think of my grandma.

I bought mine on Amazon, but I'm sure you can find them anywhere. The dollar store, perhaps?


Anton & Laith are my trusted helpers whenever I have a project brewing (which is pretty much always).

Set the magnets out on a drop cloth or something you don't mind getting messy...and simply spray paint them!

Yes. That's seriously it.

I warned you, easiest project ever.

You're welcome.

stripe - double - pink

|| spray painting tip ||

When spray painting, hold the can a few inches away from the item and spray several thin coats. Let dry for 10 minutes and come back spraying a few more very light coats (repeat as many times as necessary to completely cover your project). This technique will help prevent dripping and runny paint, which is not the look any of us is going for. I've learned the hard way.

My magnets were getting used enough that I sprayed them again a few weeks later. You could also do a finish spray or sealer, if you like. I didn't use one...but I probably should have. I just don't mind repainting them every once in awhile.

gold letter magnets 1

. . Oh! And this is by far my favorite gold spray paint, in case you're curious! . .

(I'm linking to Amazon, but usually buy it at Home Depot or Lowes, though I'm sure it's available all over)

Happy painting!

take joy-signature-new-pink