chocolate peanut butter protein balls {recipe}


Are you like me in that you're always looking for healthy snacks?

...for yourself AND your kids?

I'm excited about this one because not only do my kids love all the ingredients, but it's SUPER easy to make.

Honey, quick oats, peanut butter, and chocolate protein powder. That's it.

Ben & I work out a lot so we use protein powder regularly anyway. We use albupro by Max Muscle, which is from egg whites.

We also love any of the Justin's nut butter products. The above is almond butter but we also have the regular peanut butter and {my favorite} the chocolate hazelnut spread. Yum!

Like all kids I'm assuming, ours love putting honey on pretty much everything and though it's been a few years since we switched to agave instead, they've never noticed!

Ben's office is just about 5 minutes from our you know what we do when he comes home to say hi. We make protein balls.

After tossing all the ingredients into a bowl, simply stir until well mixed.

I asked him to add extra protein powder because I wanted a more chocolatey taste.

Ahem, I mean I wanted to make sure it was chock full of protein.

After you feel it's mixed enough, place it into the fridge for around an hour to harden a little so it doesn't stick to your hands as much as you roll it.

Then roll away!

Thought we'd try some rolled in almonds.

...those ended up being our favorites {even the kids}.


. ingredients .

. 1 cup peanut butter

. 2 cups quick oats

. 1/2 cup honey or agave

. 1 scoop chocolate protein {we used about 2 1/2}

{options to add}

. chocolate chips

. craisins

. nuts

. berries

. flax seed


. directions .

Mix together all ingredients. If mixture seems too dry, add a little more honey. Chill for approximately 1 hour, roll into balls. enjoy!

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Could that possibly be easier?? Hope you enjoy this as much as our family has! These along with bananas may now be our go-to snack!

{this is what saying 'cheese' with a full mouth looks like}