T's birthday weekend!

Remember when you were a kid and the whole day revolved around you on your birthday?! Things are different once you're a parent. Yep, my birthday was on Saturday. The big three-two. Why did our kids decide to be complete you-know-what's? Didn't they understand that I needed a little pampering? Sigh...it was not to be. The biggest one had two hours ALL day without a tantrum, pouting, or crying {literally}. Ben promised we'd have a re-do at some point but we still had a great dinner at The Nile Ethiopian Restaurant. Yum. I'm hungry even typing this now. YUM!!!
{our attempt at a good birthday photo}

Thankfully my sweet family mailed some gifts and the Edible Arrangements guy even brought me the most FANTASTIC treat {thanks erik & caroline!}. Between that, the pink roses the kids gave me, and Ben sending me out the door to get a mani/pedi, I can't complain too much. As much as I love them, sometimes the best gift is having a little time of solitude without my sweet kids.

{this is about 60 seconds after the delivery guy left. so good.}

Sunday morning we decided to try the Ethiopian church here in Denver {http://www.ethiodenver.com/}. Wow. What a fantastic experience. After taking the boys into their sunday school classes, Ben and I were given headsets so we could have the sermon translated. We joked that we think we heard a different message because the head pastor said about 10 words to our translated 1. But it was still fantastic and the people were beyond friendly and inviting. Made me think that this is how church is supposed to be. Granted, we stuck out like sore thumbs because we were the only white folks there, but so many people came to chat with us afterward. Loved it. Hopefully we'll make some new friends as we visit from time-to-time.

And next time, I'm definitely partaking in the potluck. Cannot believe we passed up more Ethiopian food. Great...now I'm hungry again.

Oh my goodness Anton, I am SO sorry. How could I have forgotten out DATE on Friday night? Our sweet boy has a huge love of restaurants. He wanted to take me out, he had his own money and everything. We decided to go to Nordstrom Cafe {my favorite} and Anton ordered us a cheese pizza and chocolate mousse cake. We played tons of tic-tac-toe and I loved every. minute. of. it.

{how is my baby big enough to take me out to dinner...and pay?!}

Now, why was I complaining about my birthday again? Other than the bad attitudes the day of, I was lavished upon more than my sometimes selfish self realized.

Thank you Ezekiel, Anton, Laith, Imani, and of course my sweet love Ben. Thank you for a good three-two. xo