spray painting things gold...and an easy ikea hack



easy ikea hack

I know you have them. Those amazingly inexpensive white frames from Ikea.

They're tacked up all over our homes. They're fantastic and simple and perfect for fun prints and kids art.

But I wanted to make them a little extra special for my new office. So I added a little gold.

ikea hack

Measuring in 2 inches, I made a mark with my pencil and wrapped painters tape over everything I didn't want gold.

ikea hack

Make SURE you press those edges down firmly. Use your fingernail if you need to.

Then I simply did 2-3 light coats of the spray paint {my favorite is this one}.

ikea hack

{{ TIP }}

Make SURE you remove the tape while the paint is still wet. This will allow the tape to come cleanly off the frame...and not remove any of the gold.

Also, when tearing the tape off, make sure the tape stays straight. Do it carefully!

ikea hack

Isn't sweet Abreham a fantastic artist? He drew this self portrait a few weeks ago. I just love it.

pink arrow

Ok...want to see some more easy and inexpensive ways to add gold into your home?

What about some more sneak-peeks of our office redo?!

gold spray paint

I've been a little obsessed with my can of gold spray paint lately. Isn't it funny how our tastes change?

I admit it. I'm LOVING gold in my interior. There. I said it.


I forgot to take a photo before I did my first coat of the top, but you get the idea of what this tape dispenser used to look like.

The kind every office building has in their copy room. One that every office supply store probably carries. Functional, yet super boooooring.


And this cute frame from Ikea needed a little something special.



What a little paint will do! Don't they look fantastic?!

I especially love that the frame cost $3.99 and the tape dispenser was in a box in the basement {which equals free in my book}...suddenly they look like I dropped a bit more cash on them.


Not sure if I'll keep the washi tape on it or not. It's been over a week and have already gone through a bunch because the kids have been asking {every five minutes} if they can use it for their art projects.

I'm a sucker for cute washi tape art projects...so of course I say yes {though I see my supply dwindling quickly}!


Back when Ben and I lived in San Antonio, he build houses on the side "for fun" and I got to stage the homes once they were ready to go on the market.

This thing {I say thing because I have no clue what it actually is for} was used in the powder bath and was stocked with towels, bath salts, and such.


But it is SO not my taste...yet.




Ok seriously. Isn't it pure perfection? I have no idea why I kept it for so long, lugging it through cross-country moves and all, when I didn't even like it. But I'm thrilled that we did!

pink arrow

I'll show more photos in our Office Redo Unveiling {coming soon, I promise}, but couldn't resist giving this little taste. 

What do you think? Are you going to start spray painting things gold, too?

take joy-signature-new-pink

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