Hey! It's Teresa

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there is a huge difference between inspiration and perfection.

Hi sweet friends, happy beautiful Monday after Easter.

This is going to be quick because I'm going to send you somewhere.

You know I'm a {{huge}} fan of Glow:Live as Light and sometimes contribute for them.

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But today's post...ahhh...today's post.

It hit somewhere deep inside me. And is something fellow blogger + instagram friends and I have been talking a lot about lately.

party like girls 11

That there is a huge difference between inspiration and perfection.

I like to fill my Instagram feed with beautiful pictures. Not because I have it all together. Not because all my dishes are washed (oh, gosh, I can’t keep my sink empty for more than five minutes), all my closets are perfectly organized or all my laundry (figuratively or literally) is clean. And certainly not because I’m perfect... (Hannah J. McKay)

Read the entire posting over here at Glow. And if you don't already subscribe to them, you totally should.

So to all you ladies who love beauty and feel guilty at times, don't.

I'm right there with ya, girl.

We don't always need to post pictures of dirty dishes on Instagram to be authentic.

take joy-signature-new-pink