the office redo I never showed you


I can't believe we've just moved out of this house and I never showed you the After photos of my office redo.

For that, I am so sorry!

It really is/was a gorgeous room that inspired me to write and create and be myself.

But first...a few before photos.


Now I realize this is not technically a photo of the office, but you can kind of see into it. The walls were a dingy peachy-beige and a formica countertop wrapped around two walls.

It felt like a creepy, gross space when you walked in. Everything was done poorly, the countertop/desk wobbled if you touched it, and the terra cotta tile floor was cracked and chipped.

entry after

Here's how the entry and looking into the office looked After. I know...what a change, right?!

Here are more Before & Afters of the house.


But before it became that pretty space full of light blues, pinks, and also looked like this:


Ugh. Please tell me you have a room that didn't turn out like you envisioned. Or a space that suddenly became a catch-all for your family.

Because that's what happened over here!! Not great when this room is right off the front door.


So with a very limited budget, I started fresh.


Because our kids take after us and love a good project, we often let them help. A little.

Goodbye aqua...hello Lavendar Blue!

The color is a retired hue over at Sherwin Williams, but if you ask for it they'll still mix it up for you. I've used it in our new house, as well.

It doesn't look lavender, I don't know why they call it that. I call it a non-baby-boy-nursery blue. One where the light bounces off the walls, making it somehow feel ten times bigger. And as if you have more natural light than you actually do, too. And don't we all crave that?!


I had made an inspiration board ages ago, which really helped me focus on what I was looking for and how all the pieces I both had, and needed, would work together.


People always ask me how I happen onto such good stuff at Goodwill or HomeGoods, etc.

It's not that my stores are any better than's that I go by often. Sometimes even twice a week, if I'm on a mission for something.


I don't take long, I've got my list in my phone and can be in and out of a store in five minutes flat. Because I have the list in my hand, I know exactly what to keep my eyes open for and to not be distracted by other pretty, sparkly new things.


Which is how I was lucky enough to find the most perfect rug ($20) and chair ($199) for my new space.


I also needed more storage for my ridiculous amounts of ribbon, washi tape, and paper goods so I told my friends what I was looking for and asked them to keep a look out.

My friend Elise, who happens to have her own design company + totally knows my taste, called me saying a friend just purchased a petite dresser at a garage sale for $50 but it was too small for her space and did I want it.

Ummmm let me think...yes. Yes I do. Badly.


So on a 95 degree day, I thought it was the perfect time for me to try out Annie Sloan paint and give my sweet little piece a makeover.

Never do that, by the way. My paint dried before I even brushed it on. Needless to say, I've learned from my mistake:

Do not paint in the blistering sun at noon. Just don't.


But even so, my little dresser is great and the absolute perfect size, shape, and now the perfect color, as well.


The window in this room is good-sized, yet not nearly as large as it looks in the photo below.

Isn't it amazing how hanging curtain panels higher and wider than the window, enhances the room so dramatically?


I get nearly all my curtain rods at Ikea, by the way. And these gausey sheers are sadly discontinued now, but are all over our house since I'm not a fan of blinds.


I knew I wanted a long, simple white desk so once again, I hit the jackpot at Ikea.

And I searched ALL OVER online for a small file cabinet with wheels so I could push it over to the tv room. I envisioned myself sitting on the couch, distracted by a show or movie as I filed all the horrible excess paper that I consider to me my mortal enemy.

This one at Ikea (once again!) was both the least expensive and best looking one I found (I'm not seeing it online, but similar to this one).


Though I still desperately want a lucite chair, financially this one at $34.99 made more sense. For now.


I thought one day how fun it'd be to use a vintage drying rack to hold my files. After searching for a few months, I found this one at Goodwill for about $2.

And that lamp. Ohhhhh the lamp! I bought two because come on...white with gold detail AND black + white chevron cord?? I think you need one, as well.


This fun-shaped gold shelf was hideous before I grabbed a can of spray paint.

tower shelf

I found it on clearance years ago somewhere and knew it had potential!


I'm a big proponent of displaying everyday items as decor. For example, my collection of wrapping paper is now the perfect pop of color in a corner!


The oversized bucket is from HomeGoods and the vintage gold frame was a gift from my mom after a very successful Friday garage sailing.


Here's a little tutorial I did awhile back on making these gold + white photo frames. (Ikea hack!!)


As for all the little details, I simply filled in with items around the house and things that I came across at Goodwill and garage sales, etc. Like placing my pencils in an old pitcher that used to be my grandma's. And paper clips in a sugar bowl.


Think outside the box! Be intentional in your selections!! Because your favorite room in the house does not have to be made with items bought at any expensive stores.


take joy-signature-new-pink