Singed Fabric Flower {tutorial}

How darling is this hair flower??
Have you ever heard of Joyfolie? I am in LOVE with her little shoes and the fabric flowers she makes. So...I decided to try and make some of my own!
{maybe someday I'll attempt the pattern to make her shoes...ya right}
Here are all the items you will need:
. satin fabric used for lining {100% polyester is best}
. scissors
. thread
. needle
. beads, buttons, etc
. hair clip, pin, shoes, etc
. glue gun
Oh yes...and of course, a lit candle
Cut out several circles, varying in sizes. Mine begin at approximately 2 1/2 inches
Do as many layers as you like, have fun and play around with it.
I did some with 3 layers, some with 4
Here's the fun part:
Hold your cut pedal above the candle. NOT into the flame, simply a few inches above it.
The heat from the flame will begin to melt the edges. Careful though, it can get hot.
Keep turning your pedal as you get the desired amount of curl as it singes the edge.
The longer {or closer} you are to the flame, the more curled it will be.
Now you're ready to put it together!
Go ahead and start stitching whatever you've decided to put in the center of your flower.
I chose little clear beads and a fantastic hand made looking gold button
{a vintage looking button or brooch would be really cute, too!}
If you use beads, experiment with how many you want to stitch into place.
As few as 3 would be really cute or more for more sparkle.
I'm not sure if I'm liking this one yet. I used gold paint on the edges.
It's cuter in person but I think I'll just have to keep experimenting.
I'm just loving pink + gold right now.
These are Imani's favorite shoes {though they're getting a tad small}.
I'm so excited how cute it is with the flower detail added to it!
Perhaps not quite Joyfolie but certainly darling. Maybe next time I'll add little felt leaves.
I know you can't see much of it, but isn't Imani's little room so cheerful??
I think she liked our little photo shoot
{hope your little girl loves your flowers as much as Imani does!}