randomness + fun


This has been an absolutely insane week.

So I thought I'd give you a little peek into what's been going on over our way and some randomly fun stuff, too!


First of all...THANK YOU for all your support and sharing and voting for our video for BolderBOLDER! Voting goes until Sunday evening sometime so if you haven't yet voted, it's not too late!


Head over this way to see my post about it and get the link for the video.


Also, Ben was in Chicago this week and of course one evening while he was gone, our boys had the BRILLIANT idea that Laith jump off Anton's head... resulting in me trying to figure out whether or not to lug all the children with me to the ER by myself {way after bedtime}.

Thank goodness for friends who work in the hospital world and can rush over to our house!


So, the next morning we headed to the specialist and the consensus was he tore ligaments in his little foot.

So on goes the boot. He's crazy excited. "I never want to take it off!" He says. Boys are weird. Or my boys are, anyway.


It was put on yesterday, and already today he's running around and was even able to participate in the Olympics program his Jr. Kindergarden class performed before the graduation ceremony.



We've had nutty weather here in Denver this week. Gorgeously sunny mornings and suddenly a storm sweeps through, leaving the ground white with ping pong sized hail and even a tornado path or two.

But even with this strange weather, I'm still readying myself for spending every day at our neighborhood pool and eating mounds of watermelon and ice cream.

I stumbled upon this printable the other day...which is truly the best of both worlds!

ice cream cones

Head over to design eat repeat for the free printable!

Melissa has tons of other incredibly fun {free!} printables on her blog. Head over and be inspired!


So the Denver Post was at our house yesterday. Yep. The Denver Post. Crazy, right?!

It seems everyone is hearing about Abreham and the "fast legs God gave {him}." So they're running a story to come out on Monday, in the Sports Section {from what I understand}.

Denver Post

After the most wonderful couple hours with him yesterday, writer John Meyer is a new friend.

Neither of us knew the other loved Jesus until perhaps a quarter way through the interview. But once we realized we had such common ground, he turned off his recording device and we chatted freely about His goodness and John's prayers on how God will use him in his profession.

He's a remarkably inspiring man whom I would love to know more.


Sometimes I have the terrible habit of reading more than one book at the same time {which at times becomes confusing}. Right now one of those books is Bread and Wine, by Shauna Niequist and I am enjoying it immensely.

Do you remember years ago when Under the Tuscan Sun came out years ago?

I don't mean the movie...the book. Sigh...oh that book. It inspired me. It called me to cook and enjoy the process of it and enjoy every moment around the table. Maybe with an extra glass of wine, taking the time to notice the bouquet or hints of chocolate and cherry.

But to truly enjoy the life that is lived around the table and the goodness of God through it.

bread and wine - shauna niequist

Well, that's what I'm reminded of in this book. It's beautifully written and makes me want to sit in the coziness of my reading chair with something decadent in hand. You need it. It's amazing.


Ok, Elsabet has just woken from her nap and we're headed out to the gym so I'll leave you with this one last thing.

Let it Go {from Frozen} ...Africanized!

Featuring Alex Boyé & One Voice Children's Choir. And it's incredible.

Screen Shot 2014-05-22 at 2.14.15 PM

{click here for the video}

Our kids can't get enough of it...and to be honest, I can't either!


Enjoy your long Memorial Day weekend! I know we sure will! xo

take joy-signature-new-pink