the perfect red lip {for a tired mom}


the perfect red lip

Perhaps it's because it was just Valentines Day, or perhaps it's because I need something bright on these cold wintery days, but I am super into red lips right now....and I wanted to share my latest favorite.

I'm not usually a fan of drug store brand lipsticks, but this one is fantastic.

The above picture was from Instagram last week, the photo taken after wearing said lipstick all. day.

Yes, seriously.

I'd had lunch, drank coffee, kissed children, and it was {almost} as good as when I'd put it on as I rushed out the door in the morning.

red lips

See now why I had to share? Maybe you need it, too.

{I was wearing color 050, Couture}

pink arrow

And for all you tired mamas out there, just remember...

If you're short on time in the morning, just smooth on some tinted moisturizer, a quick wand of mascara, and these red lips will instantly make you feel like you took longer than 30 seconds to get ready.

Welcome to my week, this is totally how I'm feeling.

{excuse me while I make another cup of coffee. xo}

take joy-signature-new-pink