our adoption auction

for those who haven't heard


court date!

We leave on June 20th and can hardly sleep we're so excited!!

We are REALLY close to our fundraising goal but still have a ways to go. My sweet cousin Katherine offered to take lead on an Auction in our honor.

I'd be HONORED if you'd check it out and since new auction items will be added all the time, make sure you "like" it!

Click {here} for our Anderson Family Auction Page. And PLEASE share the page with your family & friends!

squiggle - black

my roots

Here's some photos to give you a little taste of where we're going!

{oh how I love this country!!}

ethiopia - homes

ethiopia - water walk

ethiopia huts Thank you for all your love, prayers, and support.

Once we finish at Court, we can show you photos of our sweet children. We're praying there will be only a few short weeks between the Court Appointment and Embassy Date so we can bring them home soon!

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