Orange + Peppermint Sugar Scrub

Who needs a quick little gift idea?! Whether you need something for a teacher, neighbor, co-worker, best friend, or gosh...any lady on your list? This is the perfect, quick diy!

With six kids, we have over 30 teachers. You guys...over 30!! I know, craziness.

I obviously needed something affordable, yet fun for Christmas gifts this year and wanted a project even the Littles could help out on. And this ended up being such fun to make (which is always a plus when little hands are helping)!

After pouring all the items in a bowl, stir until fully mixed.

After stirring, simply transfer the gritty mixture into jars or vessels of your choice. Since I'm a bit of a jar-hoarder, I raided our cupboards and found small mason jars, former spaghetti jars, and anything I could get my hands on.

Also scouring my ribbon box, I brought down scraps and anything glittery or striped and even found a few bells at the bottom of my box (score!).

I had a few vases of flowers around the house that I have yet to toss, though the flowers are browned and dried...also perfect!! Using the greens and a few roses, we started tying all the jars up.

I love how the kids got involved and used a mish-mash of random things we had. They ended up looking so different and so fun.

Aren't they so cute? I'm definitely whipping up some more with all sorts of oil combinations. I bet grapefruit and rosemary would be yummy...or just a classic lavender would be awesome, too!

You could also use tiny little vessels and use this recipe to make a Lip Scrub!

What oil combinations would you (or have you) tried?!

Take Joy,
