new + exciting things over here!!


If you follow me on social media, you will have seen that I've recently signed a contract with Jana Burson over at The Christopher Ferebee Agency to represent me and my book...and start shopping it out to Publishing Houses!

Christopher Ferebee Agency
Christopher Ferebee Agency

This small yet brilliant agency represent authors like Shauna Niequest (my absolute favorite writer), Margaret Feinberg, and so many talented and impactful writers we read every day. Crazy humbled, you guys.

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Along with this comes some changes over at Hugs & Punches.

One being it will soon change over to be simply my name:

Teresa Swanstrom Anderson

Now don't freak out...

Though the look and name of the blog will change, the essence of it will remain the same.

anderson family - kitchen
anderson family - kitchen

In addition to filling my notebook with pages + pages of new blogposts, fun ideas, and honing in on where I feel God's leading all this...

I have also put together a pinterest board full of inspiration on look and feel. Because if you know me, you know I love the five senses.

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I love ambiance and want to provide a beautiful place for you to sit and rest for a few moments. To be emboldened + inspired in life with God and with your kids.

I want to provide the opportunity for us moms to remove ourselves...if only momentarily...from the mess of laundry and dishes and a million to-do's...I want to serve you and arrange a place where we can sit and exhale for a few minutes.

Even if I can't do it by sitting over a meal or cup of coffee, I have a deep desire to build a place where we can get filled up, when we feel like all we do is pour out.

Does that appeal to you? I hope so.

inspiration board
inspiration board

So like I said...

We're not changing the heart of this site. Just tightening things up a bit.

I'm working with Rachel over at Intentionally Designed for my re-branding. The fun thing is not only is she a cousin to a dear friend of mine, but randomly has been following me on Instagram for awhile!

Intentionally Designed
Intentionally Designed

source - intentionally designed

So she gets me. She gets my heart, my vision, and probably understands what I'm going for more than I even do. Rachel starts working behind the scenes on logo and new website next week and everything should launch mid-to-late February.


(see my inspiration board here)

While we're prettying things up, using swans (since my maiden name is Swanstrom), brainstorming and praying for clarity on where God's going with this book, my speaking, blogging, etc...

I'd love something from you.

Would you do a little SurveyMonkey for me?

I'd love to hear about what YOU love. What you stop and take the time to read.

I know there are about a bazillion blogs out the fact that you've chosen to stop by and spend some time with me makes me want to stand on my chair and throw confetti around!


source - Style Me Pretty

Not because I care about numbers and followers, but because I'm excited that God is using me and my words or experiences to bring you closer to Him.

Because that's my deep desire.

To encourage you...

Whether it's in your walk with Christ, or through posts about parenting and adoption, celebrating your friends or family, or even prettying up your home through a fun little DIY.

anderson family

And that's where you come in:

What do you want to read? What captivates you? What of my posts HAVE encouraged you and help bring joy to your busy day?

Please tell me so we can grow together!!

Thanks again for joining in on the craziness of our lives.

So honored be in it with you. xo

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stripe one - light blush

CLICK HERE for the Survey!

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