My Favorites on Prime Day (let's shop!)

I don’t know about you, but I looooove myself a deal. In fact, I rarely buy anything for full-price. Several years ago when my BFF Kiesha came to visit our new (at the time) house, I walked her through and excitedly told her how much I bought things for.

“I got this chair at Goodwill for $5!!”

“The couch was on clearance for 70% off!”

“Can you believe I found this Anthropologie candle for less than $10 because it’s barely chipped on one side? Hellooo, when it’s turned around, you don’t even see that!”

She just laughed at me saying, “You know you don’t have to tell me how much you got your stuff for, right??”

But I get excited when I find a deal…and I want to tell friends about them. So today, on Day 2 of Prime Day…I want you to know about things I have (and love)…and others that I’m ordering. You know, in case you love a deal, too!

Echo Show

We have one of these in both our kitchen at home and at the cabin.

Let me tell you why we love it!!

  • We look up recipes + watch food tutorials (you can even add the items from recipes to your shopping list).

  • When we’re out of something, the kids can say, “Add milk (or whatever) to shopping list” and it appears on the list on my phone!

  • We Video Chat each other. Back before Ezekiel had his license, I’d have the video feature on and make sure the girls were doing their chores, putting lunches in backpacks, and out the door on time…all virtually!

  • The kids love the Announcement feature that acts as an all-home intercom. If their teeth are brushed and they’re waiting to be tucked in, they’ll tell us and it’ll announce it through every Echo in the matter where we are, we can hear it! (The conversations we have through it are really funny. They use this feature for WAY more than just bedtime. It’s also used to sing to us and tattle on siblings, haha)

  • News articles, song lyrics, reminders, lists, weather, calendar events, and timers are all SUPER helpful for a busy and attempting-to-be-organized family like us!

  • In case you’re wondering about safety, you can always turn off the camera and “mute” the device so it can’t hear you speak.


We all have Echo Dot clocks in our bedrooms and think they’re amazingly helpful, too!

NOTE: Looks like the regular Echo Dot is 50% off!!

Let me tell you why we love them!!

  • All the reasons above that don’t pertain to an actual screen also work here, too. Reminders, to-do lists, adding things to grocery lists (“Alexa, add toothpaste to the shopping list!”) makes things with the family way more streamlined.

  • Timers for reading, chores, or math-work for the kids.

  • Alarm for getting up in the morning. You can even set it to a favorite station or song (Or you can be annoying like me and change the teenager’s wake-up song to something super obnoxious so they don’t ignore it, haha).

  • When I make my bed in the morning, I listen to the news on it.

  • Podcast and music for when I’m folding the laundry or cleaning.

  • And of course, the beloved Announcement feature I mentioned above with the Echo Show.

V-Neck Swimsuits

How cute are these swimsuits?! They’re available in TONS of colors and patterns, and the back is DARLING.

The best part? During the sale, they’re under $20!

Kindle Paperwhite

I’m absolutely obsessed with my Paperwhite. In fact, if I brought a purse, it’s probably tucked inside. Friends are always asking me how I read so many books a year (I read 74 last year) and this little guy is one of the reasons I’m able to!! Instead of mindlessly scrolling through my phone while waiting for kids at sports practice, waiting for my oil change, or at the dentist, chiropractor, etc…I’m reading.

At night after Ben and I get the kids tucked in, we don’t generally watch TV. Instead, we both wind down by reading. Finish your book? No biggie…just purchase a new one on your device! Or, subscribe to Kindle Unlimited and you basically have a full library at your fingertips and can read them all for free (er, you know, free-sh since you’re paying the membership).

NOTE: You can read outside, there’s no glare like there is on an ipad or laptop. And it’s waterproof!! Bring it to the pool or beach while the kids are playing!

Goli Vitamins

I first started using these gummies a year or two ago when I did a collaboration with Goli Nutrition. I’ve always known how benefitial Apple Cider Vinegar is for our health, but ohmyGOSH it does NOT taste good. Unlike our oldest son who can down a shot of it every morning (eew), I couldn’t stomach it.

BUT…the smart folks at Goli understood that and came out with these mega-yummy vitamins packed with the superpowers of that yucky shot of liquid.

In case you don’t know what Apple Cider Vinegar does for our bodies…

  • Better digestion

  • More energy

  • Clearer skin

  • Detox

  • Immunity

Made with real apples, beetroot and pomegranate. Their vegan friendly formula is packed with Vitamin B12 and B9 that will help improve energy, support healthy skin and so much more!

NOTE: They also partner with Vitamin Angels! For every bottle you purchase, Goli donates a 6 months supply of vitamins to a child in order to fight malnutrition around the world. LOVE THAT.

Hammock Chair

I’ve talked before about how much I LOVE the hanging chair in our house (in fact, here’s a whole shopable post on a bunch of favorites). This is such a perfect option for inside or out!

And ohmGOSH today it’s under $40!

Foldable Hat

OhmyGOSH we all need this hat. A bunch of friends swear by it for when they travel. I mean, I’m constantly carrying my wide brimmed hat on the plane with me because I’m afraid it’s going to get squashed (and ruined) in my suitcase. But this one can absolutely be squished in your bag, suitcase, or picnic basket.

I mean, seriously…it’s on sale today. There are a bunch of different styles and colors. Just add one to your cart, you’ll thank me later. (wink)

NOTE: Don’t like the ribbon/scarf that’s wrapped around the hat? Just remove it!

Large Planters

I’m using only white planters in our backyard and I absolutely love how clean and streamlined they look! I’ll show you pics once our backyard remodel is done (yep, we’re doing more than just the kitchen right now)!

These are slightly different than what I have, but planters are so expensive…finding these guys on sale is a HUGE plus!


Our across the street neighbor got a Soda Stream for his birthday a few weeks ago and now our kids are obsessed. I’m not a big soda fan so it’s never been a big pull for me, but I keep hearing about how yummy it is and how healthy it can be especially when you make your own flavors.

Today you can save almost $60!

Sonicare Toothbrush

Ben and I have used Sonicare Toothbrushes for about a decade and absolutely love them. My teeth feel massively clean and because it beeps at me whenever I need to move to a different spot in my mouth, I know I’m not missing anywhere!

You can save $70 if you shop today!


You know all I can think about is home stuff because of our remodel. I’m obsessed with the shape of these mid century modern chairs. I think I might need them…and I think you might need them, too.


Even one of my Bible studies is on Prime Day this year!!

If you purchase two (one for you, one for a friend!), you can purchase for 50% off!

Looks like only Philippians is part of this Prime Day deal but if you want to look at all of my books, head here.

Have you found a bunch of fun deals on Amazon this week? What’s the thing you’re super excited about?!

