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my mom's danish puff {recipe}

danish puff recipe

Many of us have them...a recipe we remember so fondly making as a child, standing side-by-side with our sweet mommas, them letting us "help" and us enjoying every second.

Well, this is one of those recipes for me...

danish puff recipe

Heat oven to 350 degrees

Place 1 cup flour in medium bowl, cut in 1/2 cup softened butter, using pastry blender {or pulling 2 table knives through ingredients in opposite directions...which is how I do it}, until particles are the size of coarse crumbs.

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons water over mixture; toss with a fork.

danish puff recipe

Gather pastry into a ball; divide in half.

danish puff recipe

Pat each half into {approximately} 12x3 inch rectangles, about 3 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

{mom, are you reading this?? I laughed seeing this photo. I completely have your hands.}

danish puff recipe

danish puff recipe

In 2-quart saucepan, heat 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup water to rolling boil; remove from heat. Quickly stir in almond extract and 1 cup flour.

danish puff recipe

Stir vigorously over low heat, about 1 minute or until mixture forms a ball; remove from heat. Add eggs; beat until smooth.

danish puff recipe

Spread half of the topping over each rectangle.

danish puff recipe

Bake for about 1 hour or until topping is crisp and brown; remove from pan to cooling rack.

danish puff recipe

Cool completely before drizzling glaze.


valentines day danish puff

So....maybe I added a little pre-Valentines Day fun to one of them.

Sometimes sprinkles are imperative. ; )


take joy-signature-new-pink