Hey! It's Teresa

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memory keeping without intimidation

I'm going to admit something to you...I never kept a baby book. For any of my kids.


I don't know why the idea of this memory gathering book overwhelms me.

But it does.


A few years ago though, I was introduced to two books that work so much better for me and where I'm at in this season!



My great-aunt Dagmar kept journals for as long as I can remember. From what family tells me, she would sit down every evening and write about the days events.

I love that idea! But in reality, I just wouldn't do it.

But what I could do is write a quick line or sentence a day. I can handle that!!

Enter, Mom's One Line A Day. My friend Ambierre brought it over (along with a weeks worth of meals) when we brought home Abreham and Elsabet.

She's a mom, she gets it: Memory keeping without the intimidation.


The book is set up like a scheduling calendar you'd keep in your purse. There truly isn't tons of room to write more than a quick sentence or maybe two.

Somehow that eliminates the pressure of writing more.

"Elsabet's first word: Imani"

"Anton got out of the hospital today!"

"Laith read his first chapter book"

"Ezekiel won the Caring Hawk Award at school"

"Abreham P.R'ed in running today!"

That's it! Short and sweet.

And I still don't do it every day. But even now & then is better than nothing at all, right?!

my quotable kid


This one is reeeeally fun. The boys found it on my desk this morning and were giggling so hard over what Ben and I had written through the years.


Like this one in the photo above:

"Mom! Today I dug a hole to China!

Then I thought it'd be funny to splash them in the face so I wanted to fill the hole with water."

pink double stripe

Or this conversation between Anton & Latih:

Anton: My favorite part of the Bible is ALL THE BLOOD!

Laith: Gasp! No! My favorite part is Jesus! Anton, I don't like your choice.

family pic 4

I mean, I can't even. They're so fun. Kids are hilarious.

These are the things I want to remember...I honestly could care less what my child weighed at her two-year checkup.

take joy-signature-new-pink