how to make your (instagram) photos better!


Are you like me and scroll through your Instagram feed, oohing and ahhhing over so many beautiful photos?

Are you unsatisfied by Instagram's filters, thinking...

"Mine will never look like that. How do THEY do that? The lighting, the vibrancy, the tone!"

Well friends, I'm here to tell you how.

{Wow. That totally just sounded like an infomercial.}

pink arrow

After spending time with some blog-friends a few months ago and chatting with them about their secrets, I've realized they're not all that talented after all {totally kidding, you ladies are insanely talented}. The photography apps they use though, are also incredible.

My childhood friend, Rebekah Gough over at {A Bit of Sunshine}, and two new friends Sara Schneider {Life is Beauty Full}, and Katie Harris {Creole Wisdom} {who incidentally is also a professional photographer. So I obviously ate up everything she said}, gave me these recommendations!

photography apps

Afterlight // VSCO Cam // PicTapGo


But I've really taken to one of their favorites, more than the others...



 I use this app on almost all my photos these days, whether for my Instagram feed, blog posts, or simply pictures I want framed here at home.

Want some examples?

Yesterday was Imani's birthday so I'll start with a few photos from her big day:

// before //


// after //


// before //


// after //


// before //


// after //


// before //


// after //


// before //


 // after //




For my photos, all I generally do {for now anyway} is choose Backlit when in the Scenes category. I then click on The Lab and scroll across to Brightness & Contrast, finishing in Highlights & Shadows.

Eventually, I may get more in-depth and use more features, but if you're curious what I do...there you go!

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I'm far from where I'd like to me in the photography department, but baby steps steps.

I'm really loving how it's lightened up my photos, gaining vibrancy, and more the look I'm desiring, rather than the filters Instagram offers.

So go download some of these apps, try 'em out and see which works best for you and how you're wanting YOUR photos to look!

Can't wait to see!


Just in case you’re dying to know {wink, wink} what's going on with us day-to-day, outside of the blog...instagram is a great place to find out. Do you follow me on Instagram? If not, click here {or search under hugsandpunches}!

take joy-signature-new-pink