Using unconventional colors + patterns on your Thanksgiving table.

I'm so excited to share how some friends and I have teamed up with the most incredible organization to decorate our Thanksgiving tables!

Need some last minute inspiration? After scrolling through my ideas, click over to the blog of one of my dearest friends in the world, Amy Kavelaris (author of Bloom with Mi) and new friend Molly (! 

Bought Beautifully is an ethical marketplace (home + fashion) that searches the globe to find ministries, organizations, artists, entrepreneurs and individuals who are living our God's call to love...and links arms with them!

Beautiful products that are making an impact? Big yes...I'm a huge fan. 

I absolutely love repurposing things and thinking outside the box when decorating. I'm also a BIG fan of shopping my house so I don't have to spend any money! This year, I decided to go with lots of layers and texture, leaving my traditional tablecloths in the drawer.

Grabbing these pretty lace window panels from Ikea (that I still haven't put up in the girls room yet!), I draped the curtain onto the table first. It's shorter than the table itself, so I just left a few inches bare at the head and foot of the table. 

My little helper assisted in running through the house finding colorful throw blankets that are usually on couches and chairs. We just kinda tossed them on, fixed the fringe...and moved on! It's not supposed to be perfect!

Imperfection is so much prettier.

It had just started snowing when Elsabet and I worked on the table so we rushed outside and brought in our pumpkins from the front yard. You shoulda seen her try and lift them...the cutest, haha.

After wiping the melting snow from them, we grabbed the basket full of corn the kids brought home after going to a Corn Maze with my folks when they were in town.

When grouping things, remember to do it in an odd number (it's more visually appealing).

I would have loved to use fresh flowers...but let's be honest. It was snowing. I didn't want to go out to the store!

Thankfully, there are so many pretty faux flower options these days. Mine are from Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joann's. I snagged these from my office, bedroom, and basement. Some already had the stems cut short, and those that didn't...I just hid well behind the corn and pumpkins.

You'll notice our plates, silverware, and even napkins are all mismatched.

I adore when things coordinate without looking matchey-matchey. Pick a few colors and use whatever you want in those hues! I used different tones of yellows, oranges, reds, and pinks ...mixing in a tiny bit of blue.

Goodwill is the best place if you want to start a mismatched collection of things without breaking the bank. If your glassware is all clear, go for different styles! If your plates are white and are of similar size, but have bands of various patterns around the edges...they are perfect!

Use what you have! Be creative!

Shop your house!

How absolutely gorgeous are these yellow hand-dyed napkins made in Haiti (you can also find them in gray over at Bought Beautifully).

If you're having a large group over and don't have enough napkins that match, as long as they rest within the color group you've chosen, use them! I even have a (new-ish) dishtowel or two folded up on our table.

Did you see my post last week with printable thankful tags?

In it, I featured the most spectacular olive wood bowl with coral trim. I mean, I just love it so much I can hardly even handle it.

In last week's post, I used the bowl to hold my Thankful Tags, but'd be perfect for holding rolls or when not hosting something, it'd be perfect to hold a few pillar candles or grouping of collectibles.

Click here to see it in other colors!

What do you think? Would you use a curtain and throw blankets on your Thanksgiving table? What could you use around your home so you don't need to spend a cent on making a table gorgeous?!

May the Lord bless you this Thanksgiving!

Happy (almost) Turkey Day!

Take Joy,
