joy & sadness - adoption and mothers day


{{ Mothers Day - as seen by Ben }}

My husband Ben posted this on Facebook yesterday {on Mothers Day}. I thought it was so eloquently written & such a great glimpse of how we now feel about this day, now that we have adopted children.


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"Mothers day is probably the hardest day of the year for me. For someone that is usually pretty unemotional this day gets to me and I spend much of the day teary eyed.

IMG_0763 As I look at our children I see a beautiful little girl who was found as an infant, very malnourished and her mother we know nothing about other than the medical conditions we found out about through blood tests, an amazing boy who's father died and his mother couldn't feed him or keep him safe.


We are reminded about this constantly by the scars he bears from this time in his life. Our newest baby who was abandoned at birth and our oldest son who suffered the loss of both his parents but fought for himself to get an education and get adopted. I hope and pray these women who gave birth to our children know we love them so deeply.

Whether in heaven or on earth, give them the comfort that these children are safe and loved. I see two boys who have embraced the growing family and all the changes we have gone through without a single complaint or hesitation.


To the mothers that have lost children for any reason, I pray for comfort in your hearts.

I am very thankful for my mother and the sacrifices she made for me. Raising me and both my sisters by herself and making sure we were well loved.

Nothing was easy for her during these years but she made it and we all turned out ok...even if I am a little crazy.


I am married to the most amazing mother I have ever known. She loves and cares for our children so well.

I can see how well loved our children are by her in how they care for each other and others they interact with.

Her love makes our family what it is. I am blessed beyond measure by Teresa."


Oh what an amazing man I'm married to...and what an incredible heart.

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You may also enjoy reading my post, A Different Kind of Mothers Day {written last year}.