It's re-launch day! (read here for a little tour)


It's here, it's here! Today is the big re-release of Hugs & Punches!

What do you's pretty, right?!

It took me a bit longer than expected, but I ended up doing so much more than I was planning, I'm so excited about it (it's been hard to keep the secret!).

note: Firefox is giving us some problems, so if you're using this browser...try switching it for awhile until I get things figured out! I know there will be hiccups here and there, let me know if you're seeing any weirdness!


So lets chat real quick about what's new. The logo and tagline have obviously been redone, as well as the overall feel of the site. Have you noticed the sidebar yet? We now have linkable photos all the way down, that will take you directly to a category or topic. I've also redone the navigation bar up top so it's easier to locate the type of post you're looking for.

hugs & punches - new logo

It was so fun reading your suggestions through the Survey Monkey I posted a few weeks ago. It's still open if you'd like to take part. I heard time and time again how you wanted more tips on parenting and "a day in the life" type of posts. How do we do it with so many children?! And you surprised me with many requests on sharing tips on fashion and fitness.

I don't want this to be all about me (because I SO don't have it all figured out!) but if you'll bear with me and continue to give me feedback on what you like and don't...I'll totally go for it and share those things with you, as well.

By adding a "living beautifully" section, you'll see the drop down is full of categories like "books I'm reading" and "style" and "interior design." Ways we can all have a little more beauty in our souls and surroundings. I know...I love and want that, too.

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The Book Club and Shop Page are two more things I'm ultra excited about. I'll share the book club idea with you soon, but the Shop page is ready to go! Head on over!! It's full of my favorite things.

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(here's a little sneak peek...there is a ton more over in the Shop!)

And don't forget about that Slider at the very top, above the posts. Those moving photos mark my three most recent blog posts. We'll see if I keep it. I'm really liking it for now, though.


So play around and browse through. I see some photos are missing from posts, and some things are not looking quite right...but as a whole, it's ready for you to see and enjoy.

I pray you're encouraged as you read through posts, both current and archived. We've got a lot of busy chaos over our way, but I do my darndest to keep Christ as the focus and surround myself with beauty and grab hold of joy through it all.

Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us, I'll continue posting every Tuesday & Thursday! Remember to share us with your friends, if you think they'd love it.

And comment...I love chatting with you!!

So what do you think? Loving the change??

take joy-signature-new-pink