Hey! It's Teresa

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imani's gotcha video

Imani font


Ben & I are REEEEALLY missing Aberhem & our baby girl.

It's amazing how much we can miss 2 children we've never even met.

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I so badly wish we could show you photos of them, but cannot until after our Court Trip.

So... in light of that, I thought I'd share Imani's "Gotcha" video with you.

My heart aches remembering those months of waiting, meeting her, and then leaving our sick, malnourished little girl {weighing 9 lbs at 5 months old} for several more weeks until we were allowed to bring her home.

Thank goodness that was just a short season in our lives & she's been in our arms for almost 2 1/2 years now.

Oh how we love her...

and cannot wait to meet her sister & brother.

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...notice the end of the video?
This is how we announced the surprise of also bringing home Ezekiel.
We knew the moment seeing him, that he was our son.


God is so good.


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