Hey! It's Teresa

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I'm speaking at Pursuit Conference! (+ discount code)

pursuit spring

If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed my excitement a few weeks ago as I announced I will be speaking at Pursuit next spring!

It is a complete honor to be counted with one of these INCREDIBLE people...truly, I'm still pinching myself!

pursuit conference speakers

I mean...Jon Acuff. Seriously?? Jessica Turner. What?!

Karen Stott...my sweet friend + hero! Hannah Brencher, I'm reading her book!

And on and on...

would you like to go?




Truth be told, I stole the following from their site because I just love the way they worded it all...

At Pursuit, we desired something more than a series of classes. We want to provide connection points. Our whole mission is one of invitation. We’ve laid the groundwork. We’ve set the table.

And now, we invite you to come.

Join us.

Fill your hearts, and bellies, and minds and spirits with the good stuff of life. The stuff that keeps us up at night and reminds us that what we are doing, it matters. I think we all just need a little more of that, don’t you agree? 


When we started this conference in 2011, we were the only conference designed specifically for Christian Creative women. As pioneers in the creative conference world, we knew we were after something different, something mold shattering.

Something that would not only change the women who came, but something that would leave a wake with immeasurable ripples. And that sweet friends, is exactly what has happened.

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In a world full of more, more, more. Bigger is better. Numbers equal success. We’ve intentionally pulled back from the pressure and clung tight to His whisper to stay small.

This conference isn’t about numbers. It’s about people.

This conference isn’t about content. It’s about stories.

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This conference isn’t about platforms. It’s about being on the same page.

This conference isn’t about the next big thing. It’s about stewarding what God has given you, right where you are, with what you have.

It’s about lingering, and loving, and holding close the people, and purposes in your right now.

It’s about refusing to say I’m fine, when everything’s not fine.

It’s about grabbing someone’s hand to pray. Right there. Instead of hugging and saying goodnight.

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It’s about fire side chats, and late night dance parties.

It’s about sifting through the sand to find the nuggets of gold.

It’s about sisterhood.

And life.

And purpose.

And Jesus.

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I know, you're reeling at the possibility of going. To be part of such beauty and authenticity. To become part of this sisterhood and community.

Pray about it. Maybe you're supposed to be there.

I really, really...

hope you can join me!

Click here for more info on Pursuit. And more on the Spring 2016 conference here!

(Note: tickets last year went in 6 hours. So don't delay!)

take joy-signature-new-pink