carnival birthday ideas


Anton's birthday was admittedly back in April. I could tell you we've been waiting for the weather to warm up so we could have the party in our backyard...but truthfully, it's just taken me this long to plan it.

Been there? Yikes. Sometimes having six kids is just crazy.

Carnival party


No. It's always crazy, haha. And our schedules are just insane this time of year!

Thought I'd put together some fun ideas in case you too are wanting to put a carnival or circus themed party together!!

(It's supposed to rain this weekend during ours. I'm praying so hard we don't have to have it inside!!)

carnival birthday 1


Dressing up plastic animals from the dollar store?! Ohmygosh. SO cute!!

Carnival party 2


If only I had the time and energy to make these adorable cookies!! They're almost too cute to eat!

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Stop. Just stop. They had a dunk-tank at this party. I mean...did the kids ever leave? I think you'd have to carry me kicking and screaming from a fun party like this.

funnel cakes


Gasp! Mini funnel cakes?! YES! The coolest.

carnival party 4 (source)

See that apothecary jar behind the darling little girl with the mustache + glasses?

We're doing that same thing! I found clown noses on Amazon and will load a jar full of them for the kids to wear around!

carnival party 6


If you're going to have a carnival...there've got to be games! There are some cute how-to's in the above link.



How 'bout making your own mini corn dogs?! And here are some gluten free versions!

carnival party 7


I love these out-of-the box ideas for tickets. I found a bunch both online and at our local Party City.

carnival party 8


There are some darling decor items on this site. Especially if you're going for a really themed looking party.

carnival party


There's just something about red and white stripe that says Carnival...doesn't it?!

Love this party lemonade stand!

carnival party


How deliciously simple is this idea?! I love how she used fabric draped on the wall behind the table as a mock-tent. And the bunting would be so simple to make, too! Just cut triangles and tape it to string.

carnival party


All these ideas are making me so excited for Anton's party! It's currently hailing/completely pouring outside. So...I guess I need to start wrapping my mind around the idea of being indoors. Darn.

But nonetheless it's going to be a fantastic celebration of our sweet 8 year old!!

take joy-signature-new-pink