I leave tonight!

Wow, what a way to wake up this morning! I heard Ben typing away on his laptop around 2am, then still at 4am...then I felt a nudge and hug as I was groggily trying to figure out what was going on.

"You're going tonight", he excitedly whispered in my ear.

"WHAT??" I bolted up. "The US Embassy finally emailed you?!"

leave tonight for Ethiopia

My sweet husband had waited up basically all night, waiting for the email to come through and was working on our side with a travel agency, TRYING for all his worth to get me on a plane this evening and home this weekend.

Plane tickets are skyrocketing right now and it was looking like my ticket would be over $4,000 and even Aberhem's one way ticket would be over $3,000.

With literally 10+ hours of searching flights, talking to different travel agencies {and TONS of prayer}, Ben was able to somehow acquire our tickets for several thousand less.

{thank you, Lord}

arrow boarder

So off I go...

I'm slightly freaking out, not gonna lie. We're SO ready to get them home, yet still not totally ready at the same time. We had to move rooms around to fit all the kids in, and the paint in Aberhem & Ezekiel's room has barely dried. I suppose I'll have to release my hopes of having their room perfect, good thing I have an incredible husband who can at least put up drapes, pictures, and get furniture back in it.

Oh my sweet children, after so many months of waiting...I CANNOT BELIEVE you'll be home on Saturday!!!

all are welcome

Thank you once again for your prayers & support. It was with YOUR help that they'll be in our arms soon!

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