GIVEAWAY....and a few thoughts on bravery.

Yes, we're doing a giveaway (!!!) but first I just really want to say a few things about bravery. Stick with me here...

A few months ago, some friends and I were talking about things God was placing on our hearts...and yet we just felt insecure or timid about doing, for whatever reason.

One of the girls, dear friend Shalene (who I had collaborated with last Mother's Day to do this post also on bravery, funnily enough!), mentioned that she had written a book for her son a few years ago...had it illustrated and everything...and simply hadn't done the last few things to actually publish it, and get it out there.

When I asked what it was about, she said "Bravery." I half laughed, half rolled my eyes as we all said (in the most sarcastically encouraging way, of course), "Hellloooooo! Then be brave and finish it!!"

A few days later, the manuscript was in my inbox, asking for final thoughts before she sent it off to the printer.

What I love most about the book is it reminds us...

What makes you brave isn't WHO you are but WHOSE you are.

And the best part?! The son she wrote it for had a birthday the same week she had a real-live-copy in her hands. Not even knowing the book existed, guess what they surprised him with. Yep. A book dedicated to him.

He must've been so proud of his brave Mama.

I've been working on my own book a lot lately and speak about bravery in it, too. In doing research (i.e. using my own family's opinions), I had a conversation with Anton while driving in the car to lacrosse. 

Knowing he wants someday to be in the Air Force, I asked him what he thought it means to be brave...and how he’d describe it. Anton replied simply, “it’s being scared of something and doing it anyway.”

When did my kid get so smart??

1 Corinthians 16:13 says, “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.”

There are several important elements in this short little verse.


Pay attention, be attentive. Be watchful of God’s hand in things as He shows the path He’s wanting us to take.

Stand fast:

My thesaurus pairs this word with withstand and resist. Weather the storm and grip tightly to our faith.

Be Brave:

Life is scary and sometimes really, really hard. There are some days just getting out of bed makes my stomach drop. It’s ok if you’re not fearless…be courageous through that fear instead.

Be Strong:

We know that there will always be people better-suited, better gifted. But when God calls us with all our inadequacies and in spite of our inabilities, He's reminding us of HIS strength...and how we can draw from HIM.

Fortitude, vigor, toughness, vitality. All these words are synonymous with strength. Live in that. And in Him.

Faith though, is the foundation of each of these.

May we take these on ourselves...but also instill each one into the lives of our children as they grow. Because really...who wants to live a life of timidity and fear?

We have a BIG and exciting God who wants us to throw off anxiety and constraint. Trust in HIM. Be BOLD!! Who knows where He'll take us if we're faithful in listening to His promptings!!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
— 2 Timothy 1:7 . NLT

Ok...on to the giveaway!!

Shalene is giving away TWO of her Bruce the Brave books to TWO LUCKY WINNERS (also found here on Amazon)!!

To enter:

Simply follow Shalene and I on Facebook and Instagram (we will be checking).

(Shalene's FB . IG             ...            Teresa's FB . IG)

Comment "Done"! That's it! You're entered!

For an extra entry... also tag three friends on either the IG or FB post.

The giveaway will end Thursday, April 28 at 11:59pm (Pacific).

Winners will be announced on Friday morning on (my) Instagram and Facebook feeds.

Small Print: Winners will need to either be residents of the USA or have an address in the USA to send the book to.

Good luck! learn more about the book, click here. Or read below....

Bruce the Brave is a heartwarming children's tale about an adventurous little boy who isn't afraid of anything ... or so he thinks. Together with his valiant dog, the crime-fighting, hero-swaggering duo encounter the most hair-raising expeditions. The two heroes fight pirates at sea, extinguish raging fires, restore peace to a medieval kingdom, and ride throughout the Wild West.

There is nothing, it seems, that frightens Bruce. Then one night a storm rolls in. And as the thunder crashes, Bruce discovers that he is, indeed, fearful.

Authored by writer and blogger, Shalene Roberts, this beautifully penned, fully illustrated children's book is an endearing story of courage and faith. Written for audiences of all ages, it gives children the permission to feel frightened in the face of fear and then points them to God who promises to give them a spirit of power, not a spirit of fear. Bruce the Brave is sure to become a well-loved classic by both children and adults alike.

Take Joy,
