four gift rule + world vision catalog {christmas}


I'm not one to skip over Thanksgiving and jump right into Christmas but if you're like me, you're already getting started on Christmas shopping so you can hope to be {close to} done before all the insanity and long lines begin.

Plus, our World Vision catalog came in the mail this week.


Do you remember my post last year on How We Do Christmas?

It's different than most families and Ben and I feel very strongly about keeping the focus on Christ, rather than all the gifts.

So...{in addition to stockings} we do four per kid. That's it. And they're very specific.

the four gift rule 1


One thing that I really love about doing it this way is that Ben and I are forced to put a ton of thought into each child, and each gift.


I can't just see something while in Target and think, "Oh Ezekiel would probably like that!" Because is that what he wants above anything else? Am I totally and completely sure that's what he'd want for his "Want"?


It helps us pay more attention to their likes, their interests, and who these little guys are at this stage in life.

And away from all the excess.

world vision catalog

Another of our Christmas traditions circles around giving to others. One way the kids get excited about this is through the World Vision catalog that I mentioned receiving this week.


Every page is filled with the possibility of enriching a family's life in a third world country.

You have the opportunity to purchase animals, fruit trees, honeybees, or even fishing lessons that will not only better an individual, but will likely change an entire community.

We've done this for a few years {we also do it every birthday} and generally, our children decide on a goat because Ezekiel had one when he lived in Ethiopia. He often tells us how important that little animal's milk was for them...both for he and his sister, as well as using it as an additional source of  income for his widowed mother.


Our children obviously love the idea of giving an animal or soccer balls for a school...but there are other opportunities that grip my heart even further.

Care for widows and orphans, safety for a formerly exploited child, or building a ger for a family who lives in 50 degree BELOW zero temperatures {in Mongolia}. It's so easy to forget all the need around us - both here in our own backyard, as well as abroad.

squigglesarrow boarder

We hope our kids understand what Christmas is truly about, as well as seeing how much they can do for others...even before they're grown.

Because if you can change the children, you can change the world.

. . want to read even more of our Christmas traditions? {click here} . .

/// UPDATE! ///

This year we've revised the four gift rule. Rather than "Something you Need" what about "Something you DO!" Make a memory together instead!!! {FREE printable gift tags} click here.

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